
punkassjoe's page

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DiceKnights wrote:

I was super excited to start up a second adventure path, with Abomination Vaults being packed with information making it super easy to run.

But wow, there is so little information in the adventure path and players guide about the City of Alkenstar. I tracked down a copy of Wardens of the Reborn Forge, and also found some stuff on the pathfinder wiki page, but it's all so inconsistent.

The district of Steamhaven up and moved to another part of town between publications, a second bridge was built right next to the old one. Tinwound Hydroplant moved from where the river entered the city to the top of the Alken falls, which would probably be a better spot if there was a landmass to support it.

Hellside in the previous publication was built on the smokeside cliff adjacent to the alken falls so they could take advantage hawking their wares to the ships using the screw, now its just on the Northern Cliffs.

According to the wiki the town of Martel should be directly below the Norther cliffs as it says it actually connects to the city above through two immensely tall towers (kinda cool) but seems to have disappeared now.

I'm sure there is more stuff, but for an adventure that spends a lot of time in the City there sure are a lot of unanswered questions.

I wasn't really in the Pathfinder 1st ed scene.
Is Pathfinder 2 just a complete reset of the earlier material?
Wondering what other people did for their Alkenstar setting.

I really hope this AP has or gets an Errata or reprint that corrects these Map issues & Alkenstar lore inconsistencies... I was really tempted to pick it up as I adapt from 1st Ed & might get a chance to run PF again, but in a low magic/clockwork setting. I love that it is 3 parts as well. Keeping my eye on Outlaws of Alkenstar, hoping it gets the fixes it needs to be run better.

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theshoveller wrote:
Worth considering that Order of the Star stacks with Cleric if you do decide you want to be able to channel. Your saves against things you challenge will be ridiculous, of course.

That certainly is notable, I had over looked it for the overall more favorable party benefits of Order of the Dragon...(though I did scoff at the "friendship" part in that description in regards to my playstyle for my lawful neutral jerk of a cleric ;p) it is only half my cavalier level, but that is certainly better than nothing. It isn't holy vindicator, but I guess I could prestige in HV and really tweak off my comrades.