Chelendra wrote: I did not like 4e at all, not my style. Broken glass might be a bit exaggerated... Paizo has my support 150% with Pathfinder though. And it would break my heart to see it alter in a detrimental way. While I dislike 4e more than I like it, I still have fun playing it with friends. Pathfinder is my favorite system though. Having played 4e and 3.5, you can definitely tell there are some influences from both versions. I like that Pathfinder is simple like 4e, but flavorful like 3.5.
On the official WotC forums for D&D today, I saw a thread about 5th edition speculation and someone had this to say... "I think I will put it this way. There is a better chance that Pathfinder will change over to 4th edition version sooner than the release of 5th edition." !!!! Tell me this will never happen, Paizo! Tell me everything is going to be alright!
"Crime: Crime is a measure of a settlement's lawlessness. A settlement with a low crime modifier is relatively safe, with violent crimes being rare or even unknown, while a settlement with a high crime modifier is likely to have a powerful thieves' guild and a significant problem with violence. The atmosphere generated by a settlement's crime level applies as a modifier on Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and to Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets." I don't quite get it...If you have a low modifier like -5, if you're subtracting 5 from a player's sense motive check, doesn't that HURT the player? How does that make sense?
I'm a little confused about city stat blocks. Crime +4? Economy +6? When do these types of things come in to play exactly? Specifically, the spellcasting and crime stats...I'm also a little confused about the magic items stat block as well...A sample city from the Gamemastery Guide shows a town with 4d4 minor magic items...So, do you roll 4d4 to determine exactly how many items are offered in that town or what? |