
pingtimeout's page

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It would probably be useful for someone to verify the individual store links for things like Adventure Paths. The individual links for the various groupings don't work. They redirect back to the main adventure path page. The listings are available at the bottom of the page however for individual products

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the chaotic version of a paladin playing lawful stupid. Replace him with a small script.

Going off of the old fantasy empires rpg, raising a lot of undead was technically a chaotic action, not necessarily an evil one. Good/evil would be a matter of intent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Killing someone isn't about their morality. It's about that of the perpetrator who chose to commit the act for their own (usually selfish) reasons. The "good" person will be judged on their life. The murderer on theirs.

Most religions also distinguish between killing in self-defense vs. murder.

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