petery999 |

Wow I'm late getting this up for critique. I'm guessing the attempted faux table didn't go over well?
Gnomish Quick Poison Crafting Kit
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 28,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Created by a gnomish assassin who never seemed to have the right poison on hand, this clever contraption allows a poisoner to create new poisons quickly and on demand. The kit is made up of a small metal box covered in dials and sliders with several removable glass phials along one side. As a full round action the user makes a Craft (Alchemy) check and produces a single dose of poison. This is an injury poison, it has no onset time, frequency 1/rd for 4 rds., and cure 1 save. The Fort save DC is 15+User's Int Modifier. The effect is determined by the user's craft check and may do damage to any physical ability of the user's choice.
Craft Check | Effect
under 15 | failure
15-19 | 1 damage
20-24 | 1d2 damage
25-29 | 1d3 damage
30-34 | 1d4 damage
35-39 | 1d6 damage
40+ | 2d4 damage
Creating a poison expends one charge from the kit. When created the kit has 10 charges and a charge can be refilled with 100 gp worth of replacement poison components. All poisons created with the kit lose their potency 10 minutes after creation.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Minor Creation or Poison, creator must have 7 ranks in Craft (Alchemy); Cost 14,000 gp