persoka's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Will we know who we are up against in each match, and submit tactics prior?

I'll be submitting a character using the most overpowered class.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

I often had a hard time deciding between a simple single function item with a good theme, and a more powerful item that was less well put together.

I hate to say it but a lot of the low level items are not really useful by the time you hit 5th level or so. So they can be a non-factor for a large portion of game play.

I've very much enjoyed the Dresden series as well. I have a few suggestions some of which are based on Marcone.

Countering the PC's: Don't set it up to directly counter the PC's. Consider it from the viewpoint of the boss villain. Make a plan to counter the most common abilities of adventurers, not necessarily the PC's personally. At least some of the countermeasures in place should be obvious or poorly kept secrets, which will let the PC's plan and get the upperhand. Let the villains adapt, but make it clear that they are not the only threats out there.

Recurring villain should not be the main villain: Recurring villains work best as a thorn in the side, rather than the penultimate worldender. You can up the ante by occasionally forcing the PC's to work with/for the recurring villain.

Escape Clauses: a:) The villain has standing and cannot be directly attacked. Guild head, noble, crime lord. b) villain is somehow protecting PC's or others from a worse alternative or c) Not in their best interest to deal with permanently. They could be a henchman who flees once things go south (and the PC's don't have time to chase him), or is simply willing to sell out.

It seems like taking away the bonuses from gear would go a long way towards correcting the issue. The description does not implicitly say that the eidolon benefits from the summoner's gear that provide physical enhancements. It could be argued that the belt of giant strength enhances the summoner's strength, and it says to use ediolon's strength score. Remove the ring of protection, and cloak of resistance, and it is bit easier target. Losing the amulet of mighty fist would make difficult to damage anything with DR/magic.

Also, I think it would not be a stretch to say monk combat abilities don't work with anything outside a bi-pedal form (or even the monk's own form).