pathfindernovice's page

11 posts. Alias of willhob.


Sovereign Court

So I am tasked with playing the group's white mage. I am playing a cleric with the merciful healer archetype. Yeah, I already know it's not "optimal", it's for flavor. What are good mercies for this AP?

Here's the list...

At 3rd level: fatigued, shaken, or sickened

At 6th level add to the list: dazed, diseased, or staggered

Add at 9th level: cursed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, or poisoned

Add at 12th leve: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned

Sovereign Court

Title says it all. Can a sorcerer cast spells while manacled or bound?

Sovereign Court

Any way to escape manacles?

Sovereign Court

If I'm reading the spells right, can a sorcerer cast Mage Hand or Spark to escape ropes without an Escape Artist check? It seems Mage Hand might not need a somatic component in this regard since the spell says only you point a finger. Spark says "V or S" So can you just burn the rope as an unattended magical action? (albeit, very slowly by targeting the fibers?)

Sovereign Court

I decided to start with a silver weapon and cold iron. Figured his religious order might have been smarter than him and given them out in knowing of what one day the Paladin would face.

For healing I am going with this feat chain:

Fey Foundling
Greater Mercy (+1d6 Lay on hands)
Extra Lay on Hands

Figure that means at level 6. I am probably looking at 4d6 + 8 LoH. Which isn't so shabby.

Sovereign Court

Jaelithe wrote:
But it is a common—specious, but common—tactic for those who despise such ideals to equate them with stupidity.

It's the same basic premise with politics, we tend to demonize what we disagree with and don't understand. Humans fear the unknown and need to slap a label on it in order to feel better about their own ignorance. Hold that fire to the darkness, and delve down that dungeon corridor. In a sense it's exploring the darkness that exists in ourselves.

My opinion is that part of the fun of playing a Paladin is that you're exploring the light side of other people, and trying to make the best of bad situations. In most real life situations, we wouldn't kill bandits by default or automatically murder hobo everything. Because it's a fantasy game, people tend to forget that. But the bandits have families too, and some of them steal for perfectly understandable reasons.

My 2 copper is that bad DMs try to make Paladins fall as a goal, good DMs try to explore moral ambiguity as part of the overall plot of their story.

Sovereign Court

In the case of bandits, I'd see my character trying to turn them over to the local guards or magistrate. At very least taking their weapons and knocking them out. If it's a corrupt politician, the idea would be to expose him. For goblins, probably just scare them off with his horse or something.

For undead, evil outsiders and so forth... Yeah, no quarter is drawn. That's what Oath of Vengeance is made of. Smite evil gets laid down and power attack w/ a side of charge. Undead are not redeemable. I think even a 7 wisdom Paladin realizes that. Now whether he realizes they're undead or not...

Sovereign Court

LazarX wrote:
You realize of course that that is the OTHER annoying Paladin type for parties to deal with?

Well 7 Wisdom should reflect someone that doesn't know how the real world works right?

Sovereign Court

I'm new to Paladins in PF system, so I'm seeking some advice. Is it acceptable to play a young Paladin as a low Wisdom type that simply assumes "everyone is good, until proven evil"? I mean not play the typical Lawful Good douche with a meter stick up his bum.

Just some idealistic young kid with a big sword doing the will of Desna (maybe akin to Gourry in the original Slayers anime). Can a Paladin really risk a fall by simply being too lax on 'evil'? I'd see his punishment of evil bandits as "Shame on you, don't do this again!". Or "do you promise you're *really* sorry?".

I'm wondering how silly some DMs can get with the Paladin code thing. I go by the RAW rules of evil being 'detect evil'. Therefore a peasant bandit isn't really that evil because detect evil only works on 5HD or above creatures. Is that logic going to hold with most DMs? Does detect evil = true really mean murder time? Seems too one-dimensional and silly IMO

Sovereign Court

I think a naive person could still be trained to read others, he'd just assume that the guy was lying for a good reason he didn't know about. Duly noted on the trait.

Sovereign Court

I played pallys 3.0 and 3.5 but I am sort of new to playing a Paladin in PF. So I am looking for advice on making an effective PF Paladin. Seems like they got really buffed from 3.0 days. New Smite and dropped WIS looks nice.

The starting level is 1 and it's a 20 point buy. It's a home campaign, so it isn't set in Golarion. Other than that it uses standard Paizo. All books are allowed.

What I'm going for is a standard young, naive Paladin. Not experienced or seasoned enough to be the typical "Lawful Stupid" douche that most players expect from Paladin. More of a naive kid with his heart in the right place, but he doesn't really "get it" when it comes to what being a Paladin is actually about.

Race: Human
Deity: Desna. He sees himself as a Paladin of freedom. He's too naive to realize why this is doomed to fail.


18 STR
14 CON
11 DEX
16 CHA

Focused Skills:

Perception (trait)
Sense Motive


1 - Power Attack (extra damage)
H - Fey Foundling (for bonus heals)

Intended: 3 - Greater Mercy
Intended: 5 - Extra Lay on Hands


Defender of the Society
Bonus trait - Eyes and Ears of the City

Drawback: Naive.


Oath of Vengeance

Starting gear:

Paladin kit
Wooden shield
Silver Dagger
Javelin (ranged)