
parasite3go's page

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Evening all. I'm working on building a complete collection of the Hero339 maps in high (enough) res. So far I've managed to track down the following:

Fire and Festival - Sandpoint Cathedral / Initial Assault
Local Heroes - Rusty Dragon Inn Ground Floor
Glass and Wrath - Glassworks | Glassworks Basement | Catacombs of Wrath
Thistletop - Thistletop | Thistletop Ground Floor | Thistletop Lvl 1 | Thistletop Lvl 2 | Thistletop Lvl 2 Trap Detail

Murder Most Foul - Sandpoint Lumber Mill
The Thing in the Attic - Habe's Sanatorium all maps
Walking Scarecrows - Hambley Farm Day + Night all maps
Chasing the Skinsaw - Foxglove Townhouse all maps
Misgivings - Foxglove Manor Exterior + 1st Floor Day | 2nd Floor Night | Attic Rain | Basement | Caverns
The Seven's Sawmill - all maps

Chapter 3
Turtleback Ferry - town map + flood map
Graul Homestead - all maps
Fort Rannick - all maps

I also have a semi decent resolution version of The Shadow Clock but I wouldn't say no to a better one if I can get my hands on it. If any of you are able to provide me with one and/or any complete set of the Foxglove Manor maps I'd be much obliged.

Once I'm done with sorting and uploading them to imgur, I'll drop the links here. :)

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Trace Corbun wrote:
Hero339’s maps of the Hambley Farm

You, good sir, are a saint. I've been searching high and low for high res versions of hero's maps for various locations and I was missing these. Much appreciated.