
orcface999's page

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The last sentence of many attacks says "The save DC is Constitution based." or someting similar. I can not find an explanation as to what this means. The DC is laid out in the text as a specific number, and then comes this line. Does it mean, for example, that a monster with a higher Con would have a higher DC for its attack?

I have downlaoded the errata file multiple times and used several different programs to uncompress it, but cannot get anything but "corrupted archive" messages? Anyone else have this?

This is a spot to continue discussion of counterspelling. I have suggested it be made a class ability that is an "attack of opportunity" triggered by an opponent casting within your range.

If he recognizes and knows the spell, countering is automatic as long as he uses a slot of the same or higher level.
In cases where the mage does not recognize or does not know the spell being cast he can still attempt it, using a DC of the opponent's spell DC + 5 - (counterspeller's level + ability bonus). Using a higher slot than needed reduces the DC by 1 per level higher.

Counterspell uses any spell slot the wizard has of the appropriate level. Even if he has the exact spell memorized, he does not have to lose that spell, he can choose another.

(These numbers are just a place to start. I have not done any analysis, this is on the fly)

A mage in a hurry could even not prepare spells in slots and still use them to counterspell (That would have to be a rough morning!)

OK, take your shots.

OK, it's Monday Oct 27, and I cannot find the link to grab the prestige classes. I also cannot find the WE with the magic items in it. Wherrrrre are these things?

The characters that recurr on the covers and interior of Pathfinder RPG, are they based on played characters, and are their stats somewhere?

I don't have a full set of books at my disposal to do the research, but when did the wizard's spells per day take the nose dive? They used to cast what? nine per day, and now it's four? For the levels he can cast, a bard is a more robust caster at 5 per day. Why are the wizard castings so low?

Is there a file that is just the changes made to produce Alpha2? Save me the metal detector and magnifying glass routine.