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I use TOS+ (The Only Sheet) www.theonlysheet.com as my character generation, game tracking, npc creator etc. Great price <$20 US It is more important to me than many of my sourcebooks. I can build a complex, high level character in minutes using drop down menus to select my options. If I don't like the drop down menu options and just want a quick sheet to print out, I can fudge it and just type in what I want. If I want to play a D&D 3.5 game with people I can use the same sheet as it works with that AND Pathfinder perfectly. If you want to get complex and do some advanced excel work, you may get TOS+ to do many, many interesting things for you. I as a NON-power user, just use what others have made. It integrates perfectly with the DMSheet and allows me to load up these complex NPC's or monsters with my party and track the entire game. It's cost, while not free, is less than most sourcebooks for Pathfinder. It is the one investment that allows me to continue playing the game while juggling a super busy work life, wife and three kids. I can prep PCs or NPCs super fast (in minutes), and know that they are fully rules compliant without having to check the math. The true benefit of TOS+ however, is the user forum for fan created content. Whatever I want, I can go there and request and am sure to get a quick and clear response. I LOVE fast support. I doubt I will ever use another program to run Pathfinder. It is so easy and I love real time tracking with the laptop sheet and its selectable effects (do you really know the effects of fatigued, exhausted, dazed, stunned, blind, etc, etc, etc)? I sure don't, but my laptop sheet figures it all out for me in the blink of an eye. Spellcasters using their buffs or debuffs on you? Laptop sheet figures it all in real time, keeping me up to date. FANTASTIC!! I love the game but hate having to crunch the numbers all the time. When I use the power attack, with the wizard buff and the cleric buff and some mantle aura morale bonus and a bardic effect plus a potion or two, I never have to remember what's turned on and how it interacts. I just set it for how many rounds, min, hrs, etc it lasts and then click the time off as it passes. Voila! I LOVE TOS+ (The Only Sheet) Keeps me gaming. Did I mention the full unrestricted, all included, super powerful, mega calculating, fully customizable version is less than $20 US? Best resource ever. ![]()
It appears from the text that you can send a fireball into an area that has "line of effect", if not line of sight as per p215. For any spell that targets a creature or object, it says on p214 that you must be able to see or touch the target, and you must specifically choose that target. So really, the mage barrier is a pane of glass. As long as you have at least a window separating you, a mage cannot cast a fireball on you, but could target you with a "targeted" spell, because he can see you. Hmmmmm Interesting, this is making magic a bit more interesting based on how the spell reads. I never paid that much attention before. I like it. hehehe, now to craft the ultimate encounter...... ![]()
I use the RAW for summoning. I do have a question for Pathfinder though. When summoning a creature: Rulebook p.214 Effect: Some spells create or summon things rather than affecting things that are already present. You must designate the location where these things are to appear, either by seeing it or defining it. Then on Rulebook p.215 Line of Effect: You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you cast a spell on or to any space in which you wish to create an effect. So my question is, using these two statements; Can I summon monster into a square that I cannot see? What about under water? The first statement seems to allow you to summon anywhere within range that you can "define" (10' behind that door in front of me), (15' below the surface of the dark murky water). But upon reading about "line of effect" it seems to say that you MUST have line of effect to any square in which you wish to create an effect. I am not interested in house rules in this case, only what you believe to be the proper way to cast spells according to the rules. ![]()
For my game I love the new options. I let my players use almost anything they want from 3.5 or PF books. The only things I don't allow would be if they specifically picked some combination just to be cheesy. Since none of my players do that, it's not really an issue for me. It's D&D, the encounters are balanced against the characters. So if they happen to be half-dragon, vampire, vow of poverty thri-kreen monks, well guess what? My NPCs can do all that as well. Since I have a character creator that allows all that jazz, it's quick to build NPCs and it lets the players do what they want. It's really all the same as restricted choices. The only thing I require is that the player know how his character and its options interact with the rules. So if he uses an ability in play I don't need to know what it does most of the time, I just ask "how does that work" and he tells us what happens. Then after the game I usually read up on that rule and check him. After a few times of being penalized for not correctly interpreting their mechanics, everybody gets the idea and play goes pretty smooth. I learn the NPCs and what they can do, and you (as the player) are responsible to know what your PC can do and how it works with the rules. Simple. And fun. ![]()
I think I would just do what I do now. Play PF for fantasy superhero games and keep playing GURPS for everything else. I love PF for the over the top abilities and powers of the heroes of legend, but for anything else I totally stick with GURPS. I am not interested in supporting WOTC. I have an aversion that grows in direct response to the bigger a corporation becomes I think. :) ![]()
Hey Kyle, Program looks great! Nice that you are sharing. I use TOS+ (Theonlysheet.com) and they have a dynamic battle manager called the DMTool and a Loot Divider already. Check it out, it may save you a lot more development time. It seems to me that it allows you to do all this already. Plus it integrates with TOS+ so you can make custom monsters that are complex and load them directly into the DM Tool. Might be worth investigating. ![]()
I think it more likely that the Green Slime and the Grey Ooze had different writers that forgot to consult and so did not make sure the wording was similar. I would probably rule they work the same or very similar. If using the RAW produces a null effect of the creatures attack, then it seems likely that the interpretation is wrong, or the text is wrong. I would check the CR of the creatures, if they are similar, then the abilities should probably be similar. If they are 2+ removed from each other (CR wise), then perhaps it is just designed that way. :) But then, I houserule a LOT of stuff. ![]()
On pg 82 of the PF core book it says (paraphrasing), that whenever you take a level in a new class, the new class' class skills are added to your current list of class skills and if you have a rank in any of them you get a +3 bonus. So, Rogue 1 with no ranks in Use Magic Device takes a level of cavalier. He spends one of his cavalier skill points on UMD and gains the +3 bonus because UMD is a CLASS skill for that character, due to his Rogue level. So even though he uses his Cavalier skill point, it still counts because the SKILL is a class skill granted by the Rogue class and ANY skill rank from any class spent on UMD would give the initial +3 bonus. Would that be a correct interpretation of the rule on pg 82.
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