Cave Wizard

oldskoolgamer67's page

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Hi all,

My apologies if this is placed in the wrong space - feel free to tell me to re-post this elsewhere - but . . .

My stepson is a gamer - don't matter if its the XBox or pen and paper type games. When I told him about what D&D was "back in the day" his interest was piqued. However, it had been many years since I last played and decided to go with D&D's 4e rules.

What a farce! The last I played was with d20 and/or 3.0/3.5 rules. Which is a great upgrade from the Gary Gygax days of which I'm familiar. The classes and such were upgraded to where "I" thought was primo. I lost faith in D&D.

Fast forward many months and after talking to a co-worker, he told me of Pathfinder, which as I understand it, took the 3.5 rules and made it right. My question is this:

How different are the rules from Pathfinder to the D$D 3.x rules? I don't want to buy another gaming set unless I know that I'm going to like it as I feel burned by D&D's 4e rules and whatnot.

Can I take a pathfinder game and run with the standard 3.5 rules or are there things I need to know with pathfinder that's really different? I'm trying to find a beginner's box to no avail - but still spending almost $80 on a new boxed game sets off a red flag for me as I spent the same on D&D and was thoroughly dissatisfied.

Any input would be greatly apreciated!