oldexplorer's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 17 Organized Play characters.


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I like greater invisibility followed by dominate person. Of course, dominate person might be illegal and constitute forfeiting a duel for all I know. If it is permissible to use dominate person, you are facing a +5 combined class bonus and probably a +2 to +3 wisdom bonus and likely +2 bonus or so from a cloak of resistance (+5 if you were playing against me). You should have a +6 int bonus (buffed by a headband and/or fox's cunning) and 5 level spell - for DC 21. About a 60% of success before re-rolls. Black tentacles and hold monster are other options, especially against an animal companion, but if the opponent makes the save, I would try a whole lot of summoning and maybe some confusion. Of course invisibility might be offset by magic items (although there is no potion of see invisibility because it is a personal spell) and scent.

Great advice from Ms. Pleiades and many others. Play what you like, and try to have many helpful items, including a healing wand. Unfortunately, there are no potions of see invisibility, because it is a personal spell, but it is a great scroll to have.

Ms. Pleiades wrote:

Just be sure your character has alchemist's fire, acid flasks, holy water, rope, a healing wand for themselves or others to use, smoked goggles, potions to revive the wand user if they go unconscious, antitoxins, antiplagues, light sources, oils of magic/bless weapon and later on potions or scrolls of see invisibility.

Lastly, Trollbill is correct, buffers are awesome for always having something to do. Either bard or witch (with the hexes) work particularly well, although buff-focused oracles are good too.