Austrailan Diver

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Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Fromper wrote:

If a check calls for Intelligence/Arcane, it means you use your Intelligence skill OR your Arcane skill. The two aren't linked.

In Seoni's case, her Arcane skill is Charisma +2, so that's what she rolls for anything related to Arcane.

Thanks Fromper! That's how I interpreted it, and it makes sense from an RPG standpoint as well.



NariusV wrote:
Cheez wrote:

Yeash - that makes Sajan base attack rather miserable:( Still, that's good to know as we were totally giving him that +2 at lunch today.

I finally found the Board Game Geek thread that had me twisted in knots on this subject..

"All you need to look for is the word ARCANE on the character sheet. If it appears then roll the indicated die and apply the bonus. If it does not appear then roll a d4. Don't worry about which one it is on different character sheets, just look at the character sheet of the character making the check."


I'm not trying to call Joseph out here in any malicious way. I'm just a little confused on why he wrote that. I'm sure it was just pointing out a skill vs. a sub skill.


What he is referring to here is that ARCANE is a keyword listed in the check that he is trying to do.

In your case the INTELLIGENCE and CRAFT are the keywords listed. In your case ARCANE is not listed in the check. That is the difference.

Follow up question: If a check has Intelligence / Arcane +2, and the Seoni has Charisma / Arcane +2, does Seoni roll her Intelligence roll and still get the +2 for Arcane, or can she roll her CHA +2 for Arcane, or does Seoni only roll her Intelligence?

Thanks, QuantumNinja. That's how I interpreted it, and subsequently played.

Tangent to this discussion, but relevant to Evade: Upon successfully evading an encountered card, can you then proceed to Encounter another card, or is your Encounter phase over excepting the use of blessings or other effects that allow you to Encounter again?
