Animation wrote:
burn a feat or burn a level. Fighter or Urban barbarian archetype work well and confer other bonuses.
joeyfixit wrote:
the summoner doesnt state anywhere that they cannot wear armor(summoner or eidolon). what it does state is that they cant each use the same magic item slot. what this is saying is that 1 can have a magic armor and the other can use a mundane armor. It also states that they can both wear magic armor but the armor on the summoner supercedes and will take effect over the armor on the eidolon. effectivly making the eidolons magic armor mundane unless for some reason the summoners armor became mundane.
Skylancer4 wrote:
but wouldnt that mean if you did summon a deva or hound archon that thier gear wouldnt come with them as it is from thier home plane?
bookrat wrote:
Natural attacks only effect you BAB and not your stat to hit. Weapon finesse doesnt effect smg at all and you use str no matter if you have it or not for dmg.
Veldan Rath wrote:
I actually have a question that goes with this. So as you level and gain the evolutions does the eidolon gain them or the summoner? What I mean by this is do you only have these evolutions when the eidolon is summoned or at all times? Another question I have is how Magic items work with the eidolon. If its a stat increasing Item, like a +2 str item, does it increase my str without the eidolon summoned and then when you summon it does it add to its str aswell? If it has to be equipped on the eidolon do these items disappear when the eidolon gets unsummoned?
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
either way were talking about using an optional rule from another system that wasnt designed for this system. so we have already established that there is rules bending going on. as far as what he gains greater rage is useless from rage prophet because he gets it from barbarian at 11 instead of 15( lvl 6 is 1st lvl) with rage prophet. disabling savage seer for his barbarian levels is all that it takes to make this build. The gestalt rules also say that those classes should be prohibited. not that they are banned. Big difference there and is upto DM approval.
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
there is no dual progression here. you stay full barb and prestige off you oracle side with rage prophet. the prophet does not advance barbarian at all other then allow you to cast spells while raging effectivly. the only potential issue is Savage seer but as a DM I would just get rid of that ability in gestalt. Your already using a optional rule that was made without pathfinder in mind.
Quote: A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. the answer is no. you cannot take 2 archtypes that manipulate the same ability.
Vinja89 wrote:
the answer is no. you cannot take 2 archetypes that modify the same ability. "A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature."
I dont really understand animal companion rules. It seems like a hunter pet in wow where they magically lose stats and size in some categories. Like large cat. If you find one in the wild they have a str of 21. but if your lucky enough to get one as a 1st level druid then it drops to 13 str and drops a size category from large to med. Same thing with the horse. If you purchase a horse it drops from a 16 str to a 13 and keeps its size. |