Satinder Morne

neonnoise's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Shaffi wrote:

Hi, my players will enter the mysterium soon, and I dont really get where to the angel gates lead. I've read the whole part several times but I dont get it.

Could you help me out?

The mysterium is really confusing, but by my best understanding, the gates open up into vertical tunnels that lead to central rooms on the floor below it.

The Level 1 angel statue leads to the + shaped hallway to the right of B11 on Level 2.

The Level 2 statue leads to B17 on Level 3.

The Level 3 statue leads into Level 4, which is just one room.

Level 4 leads into the north end of The Soul

I hope that helps