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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Cap'n Jose Monkamuck wrote:
This is until the rogue who had been using the snow for cover stood up and threw 4 flask of alchmist fire into it as a sneak attack. I'm just sitting there going "wha, buha, DAMN IT!!" At 1d6 per flask, plus 11d6 per flask sneak attack, plus the 50% damange increase for cold sub type, and with the sneak attack damage also being fire, well... this critter that was all set to hand the party their a$$es has 2/3 of its HP disappear in 1 attack.

Problem is you can't sneak attack with splash weapons... was news to me too when I found out in a PFS game after playing a rogue/alchemist build to level 6 and the area venture captain, who was sitting in that game, showed me the entry in the book.

PRD wrote:

Throw Splash Weapon

A splash weapon is a ranged weapon that breaks on impact, splashing or scattering its contents over its target and nearby creatures or objects. To attack with a splash weapon, make a ranged touch attack against the target. Thrown splash weapons require no weapon proficiency, so you don't take the –4 nonproficiency penalty. A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. If the target is Large or larger, you choose one of its squares and the splash damage affects creatures within 5 feet of that square. Splash weapons cannot deal precision-based damage (such as sneak attack).

It has come up in a few games now where after the players start to hit level 10 or so that a good number of the badguys have DR. This means little for Thog the greatsword wielding power attacker but totally bones the monk and ranger as they are now losing a good percentage of the damage they do per hit.

My proposal runs as this, either consider full attack actions an 'attack' per the DR rules or modify and merge the wording of Hammer the Gap and Clustered Shot to count any attack beyond the first as a single attack for DR as such.

Clustered Shots (Combat)

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When you use an attack action to make multiple ranged weapon attacks against the same opponent, each consecutive hit against the same opponent deals extra damage equal to the number of previous consecutive hits you have made against that opponent this turn, total the damage from all hits before applying that opponent’s damage reduction

Hammer the Gap (Combat)

Prerequisites: Two-weapon fighting or Flurry of Blows, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When you use an attack action to make multiple attacks against the same opponent, each consecutive hit against the same opponent deals extra damage equal to the number of previous consecutive hits you have made against that opponent this turn, total the damage from all hits before applying that opponent’s damage reduction

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Fozzy Hammer wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Emmeline Kestler wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:

I'm against having a firearm be an arcane bond. The potential abuse is pretty high.

To a certain extent, the crafting rules keep it in check. If you wanted a Greater Reliable double musket, you're looking at needing to reach a CL of 12th (ie not in PFS play). If you're going for straight enhancement without any big CL enchantments (which isn't delivering benefits as you're hitting on touch AC anyhow and with clustered shot DR isn't a worry), the player can effectively save something like 20,000+ gold.

The problem isnt the enhancements...its starting with a 4,300 gp item. Something that would normally take a character until aproximately level 4 to buy.

Which leads to the root problem of having mundane weapons priced at >4000gp.

The decision was made to make guns rare, but given free to one class at character creation. it's inevitable that a one-level dip would get used by other classes to gain that high cost item.

I'm not sure what the solution is, but crafting additional specific rules around the guns seems like it will only lead to more problems down the road.

To be entirely honest, I ran a gunslinger the first day the playtest went live. I've puttered about with the mechanics. And I would be perfectly fine if they decided to cut guns from PFS. They've created a morass of rules that don't work to keep guns rare, they just confuse players. Either open up guns completely, get rid of the gunsmithing feat requirement, and let the archetypes that are built around guns be played, or take the guns out of the campaign entirely. This halfbaked measure isn't doing anyone any favors.

The Gunslinger should have been a prestige class with a req of a BAB of +6 with no weapon provided. This would solve almost all of the problems associated with the gunslinger class.

For my home game I just banned guns completely, problem solved.

James Jacobs wrote:
Also, as magically created constructs, a golem (or ANY construct) is likely to have parts of its body where that animating magic is more focused, and just as a direct hit on a robot's microchips will really mess it up, so can a direct hit on a golem's magical nexus make it hurt.

If so you might as well remove the dr/slash or pierce from some types of undead as these conflict each other.