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Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


Wield the Wondrous Wind Tile Game
Aura strong evocation, transmutation CL 15th
Slot - Price 72,720 gp; Weight 0.5 lbs.
This elaborate set of 100 brightly painted ivory playing tiles enhanced with the essence of wind and dragons contains 4 tiles each for the dragon and winds and grouped depictions of four earthbound elementals, increasing in numeric value from 1 to 4.
Once per day, invoke the tiles before you play by saying “Wield the Wondrous Winds”. A wisdom check (DC 18) is needed to remove the pairs of tiles until there are no more, if the check exceeds the DC by 5 or more choose which benefit to reap. Upon winning in any way you are imbued with a +2 bonus to Perception checks for the day. However, when you win on a direction of wind or dragons play, its power you now comprehend. The East is for calming of fears; the South blows in heat and fire; the West enhances movement; the North blows cold; the tiles depicting dragons which can help you the most by granting a boon as well as a dragon form.
This may allow the winner, regardless of class, to prepare a spell for the day, as noted below.
1d6 = Tells which tile pair you have won upon
1= Non special pairing; 2= East Wind, calm emotions; 3= South Wind,wall of fire; 4= West Wind,overland flight; 5= North Wind,polar ray;6= Dragons Play,form of dragon III and a +2 bonus to both Strength and Wisdom

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, wall of fire, overland flight, polar ray,form of dragon III [/b]Cost[/b] 36,360gp