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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


Subscribing. Ustalav - Glantri connection came to my mind, too, from the chapter in old Golarion Campaign Setting book and from the excellent Dave Gross' Prince of Wolves.

If you are using Pathfinder RPG, even with four players you have to add quite some to the GM side to keep it interesting. To answer your question, group of six should be no problem at all, as you are going to modify the monsters anyway.

DMFTodd wrote:
Anybody have a map of Dellix's palace?

It happened that our group took a deep interest in Dilix palaces downstairs and, to keep myself on solid ground as DM, I just grabbed some random, yet unplayed, book with an adventure including a big dungeon map from my bookshelf. That book turned out to be 3.5's Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, and as it features an enormous multi-part dungeon we have spend last two months in that dwelling. Today I told one of the players that this is getting a bit too much off the tracks.

That aside, I really like Kakishons sandbox feeling. I had it in my mind that I would really keep it all open for the players to hang around in Kakishon as long as they enjoy it, but now with this too long all-dungeon interlude I'm a bit reluctant to stretch the campaign schedule much more longer.

Just reporting in that yesterday my group consisting of five players and six 4th level characters killed the Carrion King himself, next to the Maggot Throne room, without any breaks after the last day of march to the House. I can't believe their luck choosing exactly the right directions and happening to find just the right secret passages. I'm quite sure they haven't spoiled themselves, and also I have a habit of rolling perceptions secret so I believe it was just pure luck.

They leveled up twice on their way (using PFRPG medium advancement track), but didn't stop for rest, so the leveling never happened before they were standing in front of the King (as fourth level characters that is!). In that battle two PCs got killed and two others went down, but the last ones managed to finish the battle, revived their unconscious fellows and without any next thoughts ran as fast as they could back to their way and retreated to the mountains before NPCs could react.

So, I gotta figure out how the story goes on after this unexpected event...