muklowd's page

Organized Play Member. 33 posts (1,034 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

Hi all,

Just interested to hear what folks think about this ... I had it in my head to make my wizard dip two levels of rogue (mostly just to get evasion) but then I started to worry about spell progression. He's 3rd level now so if I do the dip now then he won't get 3rd level spells until level 7. Is that worth it? We are starting to get to the level range where we might be facing area affect attacks/spells and as a wizard he is of course very squishy, so having a chance to reduce that sort of peril is quite attractive.

Since I've managed to talk myself into both basic perspectives I sort of wondered what other folks felt about this... is it a good idea? And if yes, is now the time to do it?

So, my PCs are just working their way in to Thistletop at the moment. They have got through the Thistle maze and had a pitched battle at the doors of the keep. Then, victorious but bloodied they climbed up and into one of the towers, closed the trapdoor leading down into the building and hunkered down to rest and recover.

Unfortunately for them, I am pretty certain that every single goblin in the place is aware of their presence. One of the party members is a Cavalier of the Musketeer archetype, so every combat is punctuated by gunfire. The druid therefore knew about them in plenty of time to get off a warning sparrow and then the battle at the doors made sufficient noise to ensure that everyone else was aware of them as well. Added to that, they wounded and drove off the two goblins in the tower rather than killing them, so they are doubtless downstairs telling a story of attacking hordes by the time the PCs get into the tower and shut the trapdoor.

So I guess my question is, what do the goblins do at this point? Mounting a counter-attack sort of makes sense, but I am pretty sure the party doesn't have the resources (spells etc) to fight off the entire remaining population of goblins and I don't want to engineer a TPK. On the other hand, the idea of the goblins just doing nothing for 8 hours makes no sense at all.

Hi all,

Running RotRL for the first time at the moment ... my PCs have just got into the Welcoming Chamber in the Catacombs. We just got to the bit where the text says
"The statue depicts Runelord Alaznist, identifiable as
such with a DC 25 Knowledge (history) check."

and one of the members of the party managed to roll a natural 20 for his roll!

So, what do I tell them? I have said it is Runelord Alaznist but I am unsure of what knowledge should be available about her from thousands of years ago. I haven't found anything (yet) explaining it in the book and I don't want to derail anything that might come later. So can anyone give me an idea for what I should be telling them?


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Hi y'all

I'm looking at creating my first Pathfinder character at the moment and I've got a particular idea in mind but would like some expert advice on the practicality.

What I am thinking of is a half-elven archery ranger/rogue/assassin. Unfortunately, I see that the Assassin's death attack only works on a melee attack and I am wondering is whether there are any feats available that would allow this to be done with a bow? Or am I better off just dropping the assassin in favour of more rogue levels and just Sneak Attacking my targets to death?

Thanks very much