My assumption was that "with the attack" limited the duration of the bleed effect to once only. But if this is the case, that they chose to make this bleed effect different to most others, a few words of clarification would have been nice.
Boar style says you deal the bleed damage "with the attack". I assumed this meant that they took 2d6 bleed damage as soon as you get the second hit in. Then if you had Boar Shred they kept bleeding for 1d6 at the start of their turn.
I can't really read into it that your bleed damage is resistant to being healed. If that were the case then every opponent would eventually die regardless of help.
AoMF provides bonuses on unarmed and natural attacks. Brass knuckles are manufactured weapons, so I don't see that they would receive the AoMF bonuses, regardless of whether a monk can apply their unarmed damage when making attacks with them.