moonday's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Today in our game we came across a +1 shocking longbow. One of our party members suggested he might be able to craft it into a shortbow. I haven't been able to find anything about it. Has anyone come across any rules pertaining to something like this? Thanks.

Thanks for the help!

Ok, so I pick a second class at level 2 then?

Hi. Sorry if this has been covered already, but after going through several pages of posts on the search I haven't been able to find the answer.

I'm new to Pathfinder, and I'm making a half-elf ranger. I don't really understand the "favored class" thing. Since I'm making a level 1 character, do I choose a second class and the feats associated with that class? Does a level one half elf have the ability to have 2 level one classes at once? If so, how does that work?
