
monkman33's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


From experience:

The average time from a clinched blood choke is 6-12 seconds.

A successful garrote sneak attack with a successful grapple, followed by a second round with a successful grapple check should be unconscious.

I will bet anyone here that they cannot stay conscious for 30 seconds with a proper blood choke.


Goblin Squad Member

I played before the xp reset. I enjoyed the game. I just haven't had time to play, nor will I have time in the forseeable future.

Goblin Squad Member

monkman33 wrote:

I just listed my account for sale. I am going to be busy with military stuff for over a year, and do not want a Destiny's twin account to go to waste.

I started it at a minimum bid of $200, with a buy it now of $375

Let me know what you think.


MAX XP (430k) on one, and 350k on the other. all unspent. All daily deals. etc.

Pathfinder Online - Destiny's Twin Account - MAX (main)XP UNSPENT + 1 month Free

Sold. That was really fast.

Goblin Squad Member

I just listed my account for sale. I am going to be busy with military stuff for over a year, and do not want a Destiny's twin account to go to waste.

I started it at a minimum bid of $200, with a buy it now of $375

Let me know what you think.


MAX XP (430k) on one, and 350k on the other. all unspent. All daily deals. etc.

Pathfinder Online - Destiny's Twin Account - MAX (main)XP UNSPENT + 1 month Free