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Sorry if this is double posted here. I think my first post didn't post correctly.

Wow! I just stumbled upon PathFinder a day ago. What a great idea!

I have played monks FOREVER (20+ years)!! I wish I had heard about it earlier to give some input :-)

All of the improvements are great. However, the only real thing I found weak about the monk was the DC for Stunning and Quivering palm. It's funny because many people can see a monk on paper, but to play one for years and years you learn a lot. Stun and Quiver were cool ideas, but one problem, they almost always failed due to a super low AC. After a while I found I didn't use them that much and Quiver was NEVER used. I tried twice in a two weak period right after I got to 15th level. They both failed. I just forgot about the ability. The new stun and Quiver are very good EXCEPT the DC needs to be addressed or they will fail constantly (except the obvious weak FORT classes).

I found the giving the monk all of his level instead of 1/2 worked well. Even though they would still fail 33% of the time, it made this ability one to be reconed with.

Now with the idea of a KI pool, perhaps for every point of ki, a +2 to your DC for two rounds would be appropriate. Spend 2 ki, get +4 for two rounds etc. up to a max a 2x your wisdom bonus. Thus a 16 wisdom would allow a max of +6(+3 x 2). Anyway,maybe they already addressed this in some way. Here's hoping :-)