mk299's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Ah, ok, this does make more sense - I agree, as long as I can buy a PDF version of the updated materials, there's no reason for Paizo to do additional work.

I will definitely be adding this thread to my favorites so I'll be all ready to go when I graduate from the Beginner Box!

James Jacobs wrote:
We have no plans at this point to release the stat blocks from the hardcover Anniversary Edition of Pathfinder as a PDF.

This makes a noob like me very sad. I keep hearing how great Rise of the Runelords is, especially for those who are new to Golarion... but as someone who is just learning the Pathfinder system (little D&D background), the conversions are just too much for me. I've bought the Beginner's Box and Core Rule book so I can eventually graduate to full-adventures, but I don't think I can afford a beautiful hardcover adventure at this point.

PDFs are great for lowering the barrier-of-entry, and especially good for people like me who are gingerly dipping our toe into things: since RotRL is SO highly recommended, it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity for a PDF - I'd even pay a bit of a premium for it (say $12.50 instead of the normal $10 per episode).

...but if none of that is going to change anyone's mind, I'd be interested in the fan conversions to (manny_99 at hotmail dot com)

(Yes, I know about d20pfsrd but again - super noob here so I like as much guidance as possible!)