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I am looking for ruling on how draughts created using the Brewmaster prestige class ability
interact with other feats and abilities affecting potions. For example the feat Two-Fisted Drinker, or Consume Magic Items Arcanist exploit. I can’t find any FAQ about this subject.
Anyone have any official insight?

Thank you!

Oh great suggestions! Thank you!
Well, I want to reserve my swift action for Hex Strike, and I will be using melee unless I changed my things up quite a bit.

Hello! I am wondering if there are any other ways to increase the distance you move when taking a 5-foot step. I am aware of Outslug Sprint and I’m wondering if there is a way to get a “15-foot step”.

For curiosity’s sake, I am building a Ashiftah Witch that uses Hex Strike and a level of Iron Magus for spellstrike and spell combat with shared witch spells and makes use of the move action vanish/10-foot step combo.


Wonderstell wrote:

Ascetic Form.

Benefit: You can use the chosen melee weapon with any class ability that can be used with an unarmed strike, such as an unchained monk’s style strike ability. In addition, you are treated as a monk with a level equal to your character level for the purpose of determining the number of times per day that you can use feats with uses per day that depend upon your monk level, such as the Stunning Fist or Perfect Strike feats.

Yes! That was it! Somehow I missed that on the second time looking over my feats.

Thank you!

miknick wrote:
I’m making a build that uses Dastardly Finish and really the only “monk” ability I want is Stunning Fist.

Well, not the ONLY, but I only want to talk a level 1 dip.

Hello! I may have misread/misremembered something I read, but is there a feat or class ability that increases your Stunning Fist uses based on character level instead of Monk level? I know the DC is based on character level, but I’m talking about the number of uses. I’m making a build that uses Dastardly Finish and really the only “monk” ability I want is Stunning Fist.


Heather 540 wrote:
May I suggest 3 levels of Trench Fighter? You get Dex to Damage with a specific type of firearm that way. It loses Armor Training, but you keep the bonus combat feats.

Oh cool! I’ll check it out. I’ve been nervous about straying too much from two spell casting classes (well, extracts and spells) as I just hear so much about how it’s usually really good to stick to leveling the caster levels up, but I like it.

Oh rad! Good to know. I will keep that in mind when selecting spells if I go magus. Thanks!

Haha, that sounds rad. We aren’t allowed really anything as far as 3rd party (I like the silenced non-lethal gun blasts with tons of extra sap damage though!), except for Psionics stuff. Which I thought about trying cryptic grammaton for some disrupt pattern gun action. But I played a pretty psionic heavy character last game, so I think I might stick to magic and such.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Eldritch Archer is a pretty good mix.

You can pirate spells off your Magus list for your Alchemist list... which is nice.

Arcane Strike and Spell Cartridges can help with a number of issues.

Oh what do you mean by pirating spells?

Yeah I was eying arcane strike, and wow, spell cartridges look cool!

Hello all,
I’m fairly new to Pathfinder, as in I have played one game from level 3-7 that fizzled out, and I played a couple comparably short games of D&D 3rd Edition more than a decade ago.

We are playing a gestalt campaign as the DM loves power play. I want to build for flavor, because I want to have fun role playing, but I want to make sure I’m not going to be useless. I want to play a goblin gun chemist and am leaning toward Eldritch Archer for the other side, to further augment my gunslinging ability.

I’m just looking for some general “cool ideas”, cool goblin feats like Roll With It, or just things to keep in mind. I’m actually not married to the Eldritch Archer side, but just looking for some help brainstorming.

Thanks all!