Priest of Pharasma

melkor04's page

5 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Lo and behold it has arrived!

The mail has come and gone today and it has not arrived nor has the tracking updated.

I hope you are all staying safe amidst the heat wave.

My latest subscription order shipped on the 22nd of June but as of today there is no tracking information on it. Do you know what's going on with this? Should I wait a few more weeks to see if it arrives?

No authorization for me yet. Watching and waiting!

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

I am looking at my order history as well as my subcsriptions and am not seeing any indication about Malevolance being shipped or even in a basket for me. I am an adventure subscriber.

When can I expeect this to be rectified?

I believe there was some issues with receiving the April items on Paizo's end. There is a customer service thread about the April releases where they are posting updates as they get them.