
mckeansa's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Thanks for all the feedback folks. I will read the modules selected.

Hi all,

I am starting a new Pathfinder game with folks who have played previous editions of DnD but none of us are recent players. I am running the game and would prefer to use an adventure path or something similar but worry that some of the urban or intrigue based paths might be a bit much for a rusty gm like myself. Any recommendations on which adventure path or module series might be good for a bunch of old guys getting back into the gaming world after a decade or more out of it?




I just purchased the Pathfinder Pawns: NPC Codex Box yesterday at a local retailer. Upon going through it i noticed that the sheet containing Valeros the fighter was printed backwards so that he is punched as if he were two half size pawns and the half sized pawns at the bottom are punched as if two of them make up 1 full sized pawn. How would i go about getting a replacement for that sheet?

