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So 10 minute out of combat healing is the same as 2 or 3 action in combat healing. When Demons are attacking every 2 rounds after the previous group is killed. You folks have some pretty funny math. :(

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Is a rogues sneak attack target still flatfooted after first attack of a double slice.
Both attacks seem to happen at the same time.

From playtest update:

Page 158—In the Sneak action of the Stealth skill, in the third paragraph, in the first sentence, change “any time during your movement” to “at the end of the Sneak action”. After the third sentence, add the following “If you succeed at your Stealth check and then attempt to Strike a creature, the creature remains flat-footed against that attack, and then you become seen.” Remove the last sentence of that paragraph.

Requirements You are wielding two melee weapons, each in a different hand.
Make one Strike (see page 308) with each of your two melee weapons, each at your current multiple attack penalty. The second Strike takes a –2 circumstance penalty if it’s made with a weapon that doesn’t have the agile trait (see page 182). If both attacks hit, combine the attacks’ damage, and then add any other applicable enhancements from both weapons. For purposes of resistances and weaknesses, this is considered a single Strike. This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty (see page 305).