m0narch's page

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.


First :

How can we determine that a wizard is currently being casting in front of us ?
I mean ... There are some color or something ? (The rune circle like the PRPG's picture ?)

Second :

Now, when you try to identify a spell when it cast (Spellcraft check). We use the effective level or the level's slot ?

So a fireball (3rd) cast with still spell, count as 4st level for spellcraft check ?

Spellcraft DC for fireball cast with still spell is 18 or 19 ?

I mean : Somatic or Verbal components may be signatures for a specific spell.
If some of them is absent, or a spell is modified, this spell may be more difficult to identify, no ?

Thanks !