
lordofthemax's page

Organized Play Member. 103 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Hey guys, quick question: has anyone ever made an official Starfinder Discord yet, and if not, CAN someone start an official Starfinder Discord?

So I have EXTREMELY limited knowledge on all things legal, so I need someone's help with this. What sort of permissions/licenses/etc do I need in order to, say, write a book that takes place in the Starfinder universe, or maybe make a card/board game?

So are the stats for the old races the same, or have there been modifications made? If so, are you going to ever post them, or would you rather us find out by buying the book?

So I know this is prolly gonna get locked by someone, but still, I'm wondering when the devs are gonna get back to giving us updates on the game. Like, what are ships like? WHAT ARE THE BASE RACES? How different will combat be now that it is much more range-based? Will it support a hex-grid map? (I love hex grids :3)

Hey guys. The thought just occurred to me that Starfinder may/may not need or get it's own section in Hero Lab, the app that I (along with many other gamers) use to make characters in Pathfinder. So I was wondering: WILL there be a Starfinder Hero Lab? And if so, will we need to buy it separately from the Pathfinder one?

Since wizard is no longer a class, I'm just guessing that spellbooks might not be a thing anymore. If they are, how would they work and what classes would use them? Would they still be paper or more tech-y now? Cause in all honesty, I'm totally on board with a digital holographic spellbook projecting from my wristwatch that only I can understand!

Hey guys, I'm just curious as to what all your guys' favorite races are, and why that might be. Also, I figured it's an ok opportunity to voice our opinions to the devs, so why not. I'll start.

As you can probably tell by my profile picture, I love Tengus. I like playing rogues and ranger types, and oddly enough Tengu culture outside of cities is actually pretty peaceful, and nature-loving (well, more like oriental, but still). Tengus also have pretty cool racial stuff, like swordtraining and being great linguists (12+ languages at lvl 5, easy). Moreover, their advanced feats unique to them give them the ability to fly in the mid-game levels! Last couple things I like about them are their unique items that are available from their race: Signal kites (leisure or strategic uses, I prefer leisure cause in game when you're out camping somewhere, waking up and seeing this ranger dude calmly flying a kite is cool for roleplaying), their drinking jugs (purifies/cleans all liquids that enter it so they are safe to drink, can also transform water into wine, sake [Japanese alcoholic drink], or tea, which is also cool for roleplaying purposes), and their black bird statues which name I cant remember at the moment. Will edit later once I have it. It can be transformed into a crow for 24 hours a week, which can follow simple instructions.

So yeah. Tengus. Anyone else have any cool favorites? (NOTE: PLEASE don't feel like you have to pick something uncommon or exotic, half the guys in my group play dwarves because they love dwarves waaay too much. Every session we have at least one pc getting drunk, usually during combat.)

I'm honestly not sure how this is supposed to work in a sci-fi setting. While I'm sure there WILL be religions, for the most part clerics and dieties will be majorly downplayed, so what might be replacing the cleric?