
lonewolf147's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Perfect explanation. Thank you!

I understand that it Targets one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart In my party, the ranger has an animal companion. The animal should fit within the Target requirements.

My question is, can an animal with an intelligence of 2 be able to choose between the effect options of the spell? The same question can be applied to familiars, or really any Int 3 and below creature.

Hey all,
I know there are plenty of threads about talking about the good and the bad of the Crit/Fumble cards and charts. I'm not looking to debate that, just trying to get some clarification on one of the rules in the deck.

When a critical effect calls for a saving throw to negate or halve, the DC is the critical confirmation roll total. Makes sense. What happens when it is a fumble that needs a save DC? The rules don't specifically spell that out and it seems that it would be detrimental to use it for fumbles like you do for crits.

If a fumble occurs, you shouldn't use the actual confirmation roll as your save. The only way you fumble is to roll too low on the confirmation. If you roll low, that means your save DC is going to be low too. I had an example in tonight's game. Player rolled a 1, then confirmed the fumble by rolling a 3. They pulled a fumble card and had to make a reflex save or break their weapon. That puts the DC at a 3 to not break. That doesn't seem fair that it should be that low. Since there isn't an official rule for this, I just inverted the confirmation roll. So on a scale from 1 to 20, the roll of 3 became a DC 17.

Does inverting the number make sense? Is there anything else out there to explain how to set the DC's for fumble result saves?

How are you supposed to do combined strength checks? Under the rule of Aid Another, it only talks about combining skill checks. Am I supposed to use the same DC 10, add +2 for Strength too, or would players combine all their strength checks for a total?

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I have a question for the spell Sanctuary. The target says Creature Touched. Does that mean you can cast it on yourself too?

As for the 'hamper' discussion, I would have to disagree that obscuring mist or grease would disrupt the spell. The mist and the grease itself are not magical. A spell like Slow is. The foe is having to save against a non-magical material component (grease) and the save is only to prevent them from slipping. Slow is actually saving to ward off the magical effect.

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I'm going to be running this module with a few extra players. I was wondering if anyone had some ideas for extra Dares to give them? There are a couple of possible classes to tailor them towards. Barbarian, Ranger, Sorcerer, and Witch.

Any ideas?

Thanks for getting this thread posted.

Sucks for me though, I don't own any other files for HL. I can't afford it :( I totally understand how you're having to do this, I just wish that would have been explained a bit more in the Kickstarter listings. I probably wouldn't have spent the extra to get HL files knowing that I couldn't use them.