lg1112's page

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Question happened when we were playing The Free Captains’ Regatta, which requires that the first card of all the location deck should be the enemy ship when the blessing deck is empty.
And if the enemy ship is defeated, put it on the top of location deck.

We were lucky and we successfully made it very early.

Since JIRELLE is in our team, therefore for the rest of time, we gave all our blessing and ally to him to let him keep challenging the enemy ship. (We gave one card when at the same location before moving.)
As a result, we got almost 20 plunder cards, which sounds strange.

My question is,
if I have 3 blessings and 2 allies in my hand, does it means I can explore 6 times in my turn?
If I cant, how many times can I explore?

And consider the JIRELLE situation, is there anything we did wrong?