Loris Raknian

lebreton's page

Organized Play Member. 104 posts (110 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

Gave him a 20 INT, and specialization in the Teleport School - gives him Shift - swift action Dimension Door.

I completely stole the idea from my younger brother (who occasionally posts around here as lebreton), with whom I'd spoken earlier in the day.

Thief, Thief, Thief

Not only did you steal my Waterdeep Boxset when you moved out of the condo 12 years ago, but now you admit to stealing my character idea.

Thief, Thief, Thief

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I have never seen Snow White.
You poor man. Snow White is awesome!
On Snow White: Meh.

Oh don't act like that just beacause the dwarves are taller than you, chin up.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are down to 12 houses for sale in the subdivision, you better dump that b/s goverment job with all the great perks, holidays, benefits, ect.... and get down here and work for a living. Besides then My god-child can then spend his days with my kids rather than in day care.

So, are you going to help me sell my house in the godsawful market? Or find a job that will pay for me to move? And a job that would pay for my wife to move as well?

Besides, I'm with the federal government. Why would I want to work for a living.

I have jobs for you and the wife (or could at least find you one), you can dump that house if you try has the value not gone up just from it being yours, think of the money you will save each year in: Flights to N.O. to see family, State Income Taxes, Daycare (really my wife does a fine job with them until school age), cost of homes in general, driving to another state to buy good beer, heating bill (ok maybe this one is off as my AC bill gets high in the summer).

Also the perks of playing PF with Rob, Tom and I, Having my kids there to influence yours, living in Texas, NO SNOW, babysitters, and well just seeing me more than once every 12 months or so