leadgolem's page

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My girlfriend has won a lottery event that I would like to attend in her place. Is it possible for her to gift the ticket to me directly or can I simply attend in her place? Are there actual physical tickets so that she could give hers to me or do we have to risk losing the ticket to somebody else through the free-for-all online trading system?

BTW: Is there any information I can read to explain how the online trading system works?

We have never attended lottery events before this year and are wondering; for example, if she is unable to attend one of her lottery events, can she just give me her ticket?

Also, is there a maximum number of lottery events I can attend? (She has two events and I have two events)

Ross Byers wrote:
leadgolem wrote:

I'm wondering why, when I want to make changes to my lottery event signup ratings, I get a list of zeros for all events in my list. I've already checked the ratings (0-4) for each event, and when I want to rate something differently than I have before (or rate the newly added "Swallowtail" event), none of the radio-button selections seem to be retained from my prior ratings session. It makes me wonder whether the system's recorded my ratings in the first place! In other words, it would be reassuring to be shown my previous ratings when I want to make changes to them. Why all zeros? Strange!


Leadgolem, are you hitting "Save" after entering your preferences? If you simply leave the page, the results cannot be recorded.

Did that. I'm going back in now to reselect like Pat did. Hopefully this will work or maybe explain why I didn't get into any lottery events last year! Some form of verification that entry selections have been tabulated would be helpful in the future.


I'm wondering why, when I want to make changes to my lottery event signup ratings, I get a list of zeros for all events in my list. I've already checked the ratings (0-4) for each event, and when I want to rate something differently than I have before (or rate the newly added "Swallowtail" event), none of the radio-button selections seem to be retained from my prior ratings session. It makes me wonder whether the system's recorded my ratings in the first place! In other words, it would be reassuring to be shown my previous ratings when I want to make changes to them. Why all zeros? Strange!


Hi, I'm a newcomer, and I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post these questions. I think I need some help with clarity on the paizocon lottery system.
It might be my first time attending--I bought my 3-day badge ticket today.
I'm concerned I might be sitting around with not much to do if I go. On the first page I read, the lotery signup seems to end on May 23rd, but under FAQ, I've noticed the ending date seems to be May 15th. Which one is it?
After signing up today for the lottery events, I checked my event schedule and nothing's there. How do I know if my signup went through?
