I've tried multiple times to create an event and report on a Starfinder Society session that I GM'ed, but it seems that the reporting function is broken currently.
After I create an event (and don't edit it), I get the option to report on in the 'GM/Event Coordinator' tab, but when I click the report link, I get an unstyled page (with some working javascript) that's pretty hard to read. After filling in everything and hitting submit, I just get an error message. I've tried this in both Safari and Chrome on mac.
If I edit the event before I try to report, then the report link just disappears in the 'GM/Event Coordinator' tab. It's an extremely frustrating experience.
Anybody else that has issues or maybe one of the web support team that can have a look at this?
Thanks :)
Edit: I notice the unstyled reporting page is trying to load the stylesheet http://paizo.com/include/stylesheet.css over http, while the page itself is served over https, which get blocked by nearly all browsers nowadays.