okay so in kingmaker the adventurers have found Vordakai in his throne room.
rd 1 party is hit by Symbol of Pain over throne, everyone fails.
Barbarian charges and hits Vord once,(has haste so could have hit more)
-30 dmg/dr reduces to 15
Witch uses spectral hand wand
Vord uses waves of fatigue
Zen archer monk misses repeatedly
Thief moves in tries to tumble past fails gets hit by AOO and is paralyzed
Gunslinger gets within touch range and fires once with pepper box, hits for 17 dmg/dr does nothing
rd 2 Barbarian attacks 3 times misses all 3 due to debuffs
Witch uses cure spell with spectral hand wand misses
Vord uses fire snake hits majority of party for 43 dmg
Zen archer monk hits once, 18 dmg/dr reduces to 3
Thief twitches
Gunslinger fires twice, hits both, for 12 and 18
rd 3 barbarian attacks 3 times, hits once, 32 dmg/dr 17 dmg
witch cure spectral hand hits for 24
Vord casts bone shatter on witch, fails save and is nearly killed from this
Zen archer misses
Thief twitches
Gunslinger fires twice, hit both, 16 and 14
rd 4 barbarian attacks 3 times misses
Witch cure on self
Vord lightning bolt gunslinger and thief, 32 dmg to thief 16 to gunslinger
Zen archer misses
Thief twitches
gunslinger fires once, hits, 17 dmg, reloads
rd 5 barbarian attacks 3 times, hits once, 27 dmg/dr 12 dmg
witch does the bad luck think on vord, multiple dice rolls take the lowest
Vord fails concentrate, barb AOO misses, Vord fireballs the room, 43 dmg to barb, thief(now unconscious), 21 to monk, gunslinger
Zen archer hits twice, no dmg due to DR
Thief bleeds
Gunslinger fires twice, hits, 15 dmg and 17 dmg
rd 6 pretty much rinse and repeat for 3 more rounds
Party breaks and runs, dragging unconscious but stable thief, Vord also does not chase since bastard new technology(to him that is) was more effective than magic missile. Party chooses to GTFO with teleport and preps for new assault. Vord Scries and waits till next day teleports to castle to say "HI".
Protection from Missiles up and Gunslinger and Zen Archer both become mostly useless. Party fights to the bitter end, some die some dont, Vord falls back due to injuries.... (magical pistol being use as blunt instrument with fighters BAB still bypasses DR)
So basically gunslinger and witch were the most useful in the fight, yes it was situational, but when you get touch attack with every attack and you have a good BAB it is a little overwhelming.
This along with other playtests made me feel like the gunslinger needs to use monk BAB instead of Fighter.