Saern wrote:
Just checking to see if we were supposed to roll with this or somehow abort the full catastrophe. I kind of like the whoel city turning undead, too. THAT will impress the party!
Although, if there's a high enough level mage or two, or high level clerics, who hears of the disaster fast enough and teleports in, that could still stop the disaster- a few meteor swarms or other high level, large area spells would put a huge dent in the number of wights.
Luckily, in my homebrew, the free city's equivalent is only a few hundred miles from the center of Heironeous' powerbase, another metropolis just crawling with clerics and paladins. It would make a fun follow up campaign to try and restore the city, or at least deal with all the undead.
Also in my homrbrew, large amounts of evil or negative energy actually exerts a physical change on the land, explaining why every evil region looks really evil. This plays into the mist idea very nicely.
20,000 wights. "Good gods, so how many are there?" "20,000" "WHAT?!" "You heard me... get to smiting"
But even with the level loss, if the PCs kill that many wights, they'll be too high level for the later adventures.