
kwodo's page

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I got really excited thinking that Irabeth was being promoted to Iconic since she's the art used alongside the Guardian rules, but it seems like that's just placeholder art? Previous playtests have included sketches/pencils of their relevant Iconics alongside a blurb that gave some info about them, which is noticeably absent in this playtest doc.

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A Kineticist can only have one element gathered at a time, leaving the other hand free with nothing special to use it for, and Elemental Weapon is restricted to one-handed weapons only (we'll see if the two-hand trait being usable remains for the final release).

Only a few abilities mention using both hands (Tidal Hands, Hurtling Rockfall, Ferocious Cyclone and Fusion Blast) and half of them are only for flavor. That leaves me with the question: Why?

I feel like Kineticist should have more abilities that allow for the usage of both hands to either increase power (when doubling down on one element) or versatility (when wielding a different element in each hand).

Let me channel lightning with both hands. Let me smash people with a rock maul. Let me go full Todoroki and use ice and fire simultaneously.

As is, the heavy lean to one-handed usage feels like a pointless nerf with no thematic reason behind it.