Belkar Bitterleaf

kulisap's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sanael Idelien wrote:

And as long as I'm dreaming, they'll hire me on as part of the stunt/fight team.,,too hehehe :)

Lilith wrote:
Sturm Brightblade. His death scene brought me to tears in the book, it would do the same in a movie.

Crap! Of course, how could have I forgotten about sturm's death scene??!!

Very true,'s gonna be an awesome heart-wrenching scene!

I agree that dragonlance would be a great d & d movie. Its story is deep enough not to be boring and yet filled enough with action & magic to satisfy gamers & non-gamers.

I'd love to see elijah wood as tasslehoff (I believe he could pull it off even if most people nowadays think of him as frodo; remember when he played huck finn when he was just a kid? I know the mischievousness is still there in elijah hehehe...).

The tanis-laurana-kitiara storyline would appeal to a wide audience.

And think of the raistlin-caramon storyline in live movie...its progression from chronicles until legends...the ambition of raistlin to be a god would be awesome in a movie!

Also the dwarf-kender relationship of flint & tasslehoff would be a great balance of amusement and seriousness.

Actually, most of the characters in dragonlance would be very interesting movie characters; even the minor ones (bupu of raistlin, gilthanas-silvara story, etc.)

Indeed, dragonlance has great movie potential.

But of course, execution is another story.

Inquest/IQ Gamer
Mountain Bike Action
The Economist

James Jacobs wrote:
We don't have an elf or a wizard iconic yet (we have a human sorcerer and a half-elf rogue), but chances are pretty good that elves and wizards will be represented eventually... (although probably not in the same character)

Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk!

Sebastian wrote:

I also struggled w/the sheer volume of . . . . My advice is to stay focused on those elements that are integral to the campaign - the Ebon Triad for the first few adventures, with focus shifting eventually to the Age of Worms and Kyuss - and use the other elements as window dressing where you feel comfortable. Don't emphasize the Seekers or the Wind Dukes, emphasize the subplot that leads to Filge.


Great advice, Sebastian. I am reminded of the documentary of the LOTR movies on how Peter Jackson,et al. trimmed down the plot of the books into focusing on Frodo's journey; you got it right here in this case, too. Thanks for giving the right focus.

Cardinal_Malik wrote:
my PC's burned the observetory to the ground which prompted Smenk to send Kullen and the gang to burn down the abandoned mine office in return.

LOL :D! Man! That is so funny! Guess you're having a blast playing AOW!

33.25 yrs old. Started 13 (red box) as a DM for 7 to 9 yr-olds. Here in the far east:Philippines.

James Jacobs wrote:

Still to do: barbarian, druid, monk, wizard. We have vague ideas/notions for genders and races for these guys, but they haven't been designed yet. And they probably won't for some time to come.

Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk! :D

Dryder wrote:

Just a quick thought on Stats as donwload - Most of us have a computer, but there are still people who have no access to the internet. I wouldn't buy a magazine with adventures if I have to think about how ti get the stats...

Yep. I agree. Additional reliance on technology to run an adventure is VERY BAD . . . might as well play PC games.

I appreciate that what Dungeon provides for downloads are supplements and NOT the essential contents of the magazine themselves.

Cardinal_Malik wrote:
dear gawd....this is covered in another post

Ok :) Got it...sorry...

Just noticed that there seem to be three iconic characters consistently showing in the AOW arts in dungeon---a tiefling, a drow & a human(?) cleric(?), also sometimes I see this human paladin in some interior arts. Any idea what class & what their stats are or if they even have names? background? Don't have #126 yet but am curious if these three are showing up there, too. Just curious.

Erik Mona wrote:

It's up.


Just got the overload! Missed the debut since friday there is a saturday here and I only have access in the internet here in the office. It's my lunch break and been reading AOW and enjoying it! Excellent job, erik & the rest! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Erik Mona wrote:

To be clear, I meant that the approval process could take as little as 10 minutes, not the actual posting of the file to the site.

The file is at WotC now, basically waiting for our contact to read the copyright information on the first page and give the thumbs up. I expect this to come first thing Friday morning, but since tomorrow is a company picnic day for WotC, it's possible that it could drag on to Monday.

Everything is ready to go. The minute we know, you'll know.

--Erik Mona

Thanx, Erik for managing our expectations :)

I guess santa's not coming to town on time. . . :(

Erik Mona wrote:

Document is in layout now, to go to WotC for approval on Thursday (there's every reason to expect that this will happen Thursday afternoon). That means (barring unforeseen changes requested by WotC) Friday is a rock-solid estimate.


Yes!!! But wait...what thursday? what friday? are we referring to this week's thursday/friday? It seems the meaning of "this week" here has become to mean a Jupiter or Saturn week . . . hehehe ... just kiddin' :) Love ur updates, man! Thanks so much in advance for all the work! Woohooo!! Feels like christmas this coming friday!

Tatterdemalion wrote:

How 'bout them actually emailing the thing to us? :)


LOL! Actually that's not a bad sure once AOW overload becomes available, dungeon mag's site would crash of the number of hits it'll get!

Craig Clark wrote:
kulisap wrote:

Ah! The one-eyed avatar! Each post from you makes me fonder of your avatar :) Thanks again Erik and to the rest of the guys there!

Rel is the single, coolest addition to Maure Castle.

But how would you wink with one eye? \)

Well... I guess you (bl)ink? lol!

Erik Mona wrote:

It's over.

Total Number of Words in Age of Worms Overload: 24,632
Total Number of Words in an Average Dungeon Adventure: About 15,000
Total Number of Microsoft Word Pages: 47

Ah! The one-eyed avatar! Each post from you makes me fonder of your avatar :) Thanks again Erik and to the rest of the guys there!

Jonathan Drain wrote:
Although my current . . . In "The Three Faces of Evil", and in the rest of the adventure path, how do I adapt the Greyhawk deities that compose the Ebon Triad to Eberron? Do I just pick three out of the Dark Six or what?

The appendice of Dungeon#124 online supplement re:eberron (pages 8 to 9) had some few notes that may help you although it's very bare as of now. Keith mentioned there that "The Ebon Triad reveres the Shadow, the Mockery, and the Keeper". Good Luck!

Onrie wrote:

Thanks for the update Mr. Eric. I just spent.....

P.S. How the heck do you get those avaters! I want something cool like a drow... Anyone got help advice?

When you're logged in, click the "My Account" at the topmost of your page (it's so small so you have to look for it) then just edit away your messageboard settings. Good luck!

Thanks Erik for the updates. Appreciate very much the effort you guys are doing. Your one-eyed avatar has grown to be a nice image of assurance in this thread heheheh :)