kobold assassin's page
108 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.
Your talkin' pretty tough there for a white dragon, Sharoth.
Taliesin Hoyle wrote: y didd u tll the peeple that my are spell badt? now tem are all larf at me and cll me bad spelly guy., i are umhappi. yu cud halv tolt them thap i r kitti!
noe y hamm make mouse drop book.
Thx. Really, I was hoping for some D&D inspiration for a world, spell, race, etc.
Lady Lena wrote: I'm sure you think this is cute, but one would hope that at the maturity level you claim to be, you would understand the difference between good hearted bantering, and rude mocking. I have no patience for a child who considers himself better than his elders. Seriously, go ride a bike, build a clubhouse, do something befitting your age level. I personally don't mind children on the boards, providing they know how to behave themselves. Learn some manners young man. Pff. Read 'Faky's Spelling Errors'.
And you know, I really think that any cracks at my age should be left out of it.
And exactly how is this being immature? I don't think mocking one about spelling is really mature stuff.
mak ae karikter.
sea if yue cann rol threa twantys in ah roh.
emale yor werst enemmei than lett yor finger huver onn send.
doo ah serch for tha frerst werd yor finger wrests onn inn tha DMG.
ware women's clohths end tak picters.
doo a panteeng with yor fingertipps.
rol 1d6 too chooz witch uv tha abbuv too doo
Taliesin Hoyle wrote: I'm in yr thread wasting yr time You'll regret that. Look in the Off-topic part. Look at the thread about Fake Healer's misspellings.
Prepare to be humiliated, as I do the same thing to you.
This whole thread is gonna be deleted for that.
Taliesin Hoyle wrote: make a character.
see if you can roll three twenties in a row.
email your worst enemy then let your finger hover on send.
do a search for the first word your finger rests on in the DMG.
wear woman's clothes and take pictures.
do a painting with your fingertips.
roll 1d6 to choose which of the above to do.
Hardy har har.
Actually, the 4th one's not that bad...
..--Oh, for God's sake, I was joking!!!!!!!
That is utterly ridicoulous. a goblin is an evil, malevolent creature. Not cute. Evil. Devious. Trap-creating.
I want a kobold plush toy.
They're cute.
Man this is boring. GitP's comics are taking way too long(www.giantitp.com)!!! Nobody has any new, good threads! My bro isn't here to play D&D, and I can't find a good site to go onto!
Any suggestions?

Read this:
'Nite Beloe Minnis Serys
Scrue WotC's line of minnis! Reeper minis is comming out with a lighn of prepainted plastic minis that will be sold IN BLISTER PACKS SO YOU CAN SEE WAT YUE AR GETING!!!!! They are caled tha Lejenderery Encownter serys and here is a link KER-BLAMMO. The prises are nise and it's Reeper so cwality is asumed (at least beter than the melted waks look that WotC seams too havv no probblem with).
Reeper wil be my sorse for minnis from now on with this line.'
OK, I edited it slightly. here's the reel vershin:
'Night Below Minis Series
Screw WotC's line of minis! Reaper minis is coming out with a line of prepainted plastic minis that will be sold IN BLISTER PACKS SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE GETTING!!!!! They are called the Legendary Encounter series and here is a link KER-BLAMMO. The prices are nice and it's Reaper so quality is assumed (at least better than the melted wax look that WotC seems to have no problem with).
Reaper will be my source for minis from now on with this line.'
But im sttil sher thet...wate! O Noh!!!!!!!! Sins i perposlei misspeld fackies poste, nou IM mispeleeng et!!!!
iz giteeen werz!
Loads of secret doors. Tiny little rooms, that force the PCs to do melee. Maybe some lone beholders who dont care who they hit. And loads o' traps.
'Dormant' volcanoe(note, put some fire critters in those rooms).
I'm gonna put in an evil dragon or something...Ooh! here it is: Red dragon(villain). On a narrow bridge that needs a balance check. Lava under the bridge.
To keep them pesky knights away.
This computer won't let me on.
Search these, though:
Darth Vader being a smart@$$
Japenese Police vs. Darth Vader(this one is GREAT
1. Ptolus
2. Greyhawk
3. Pathfinder (has a chance to pass Greyhawk)
4. Forgotten Realms
666. Dragonlance
j. Revision:
1. Dragonlance
2. Grimm(wikipedia it)
3. Ravenloft
4. FR
666. Spelljammer
616(this is really the 'devil's address'! there was a mistake with '666').
Poisonberry Pie(from Zogonia)
1 cup Deadly Nightshade berries
Pie crust
Mash the berries to a pulp. pour into piecrust.
Now give it to your fat, little brother.
I should probly say this on the 'Say What, Mr. Bush?' thread, and I'm sorry this is political, but I've got to say it: We will probably all be questioned, at the rate things are going.
Here is a place to put all the ideas you've ever had for an adventure:
A room, full of tiles(this is cliche)that are trapped. You'll need a pole!
A secret door, that doubles as a pit trap(this is cliche too).
Your turn!!!
OK, here goes:
Seeing a new OotS page.
Getting a new Dragon magazine.
Eating some of that great Swedish chocolate(it's way better than hersheys!!!)
Uh-oh. It's coming.
Thus ensued the witch hunt against D&D players:
It'll be like the twinkie defense.
"You play D&D?"(immediatly makes sign against evil)
Ya know, I also like this world I'm creating, where there are gremlins and poltergeists.
Cant remember wrote: Way to make friends kobold... I knew you'd say that.
Just in case you're wondering, I have an AC 900 and deal +70d8 sneak attack damage. So don't even think about it(others promptly drop their poisoned daggers and try to look innocent).
Belkar: Hey! Break it up! Don't make me use the fireball on you two!"
Eye of Fear and Flame: "Ugh, Biology is disgusting!"
Judge: "The chair recognises the illithid, Bkldksahchxcndfj."
Bkldksahchxcndfj: "Yes. I believe that, with the information I've...collected, Your Honor, the dove did it."
Now you guys get to continue the trial!!! Only 2 speakers per post.
I agree(OK, everybody is probly wonderin' wat we're goin' on about.
Go here.
Look at www.kender.com. It doesn't go where you think it would.
OK. Here's the place to place D&D jokes.
"What is Raistlin's Business called?
Majere's Evil Cursed Timepieces Inc."
(Eberron is completely STUPID!!!!!!!!!)
(You even read the chronicles?! Oops.)
*Sniff* I'm so stupid. *Sniff* I've only done 79. *Sniff*
Of course, I've only had an account for about 3 months, and my parents dont want me on the messadgeboards. Too much STUFF A 10-YEAR OLD SHOULDN'T READ. HINT HINT HINT. Oh wait, I'm 11. Nevermind then.
Thank you, this was very helpful

kahoolin wrote: If you don't mind me asking kobold, how do you know you have AS? I hear that a great many sufferers are self-diagnosed, which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
I mean what you described sounds like me at age 11, and every other intelligent kid I knew, but as I grew older my social skills caught up with my precocious intellect and it all evened out. I'd say that now I'm a pretty average guy for my social group (white collar university graduate).
Not to worry. I have, in fact, been diagnosed with it by professionals, though it took ages for it to come out. It is also perfectly possible that anyone with AS might be prfectly normal later on in life. I'm not saying you have it,(THAT would be embarrasing! only realizing that you have it when a kid 11 years old suggests it!)I'm only saying, when you were young, did you have many problems at school? Not as in, 'getting C- all the time' problems, but 'he refuses to cooporate with adults' problems.
You might want to look it up, in the references mentioned earlier.
By the way, Rabidcow, having AS is nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people think Einstein had it, though he was never diagnosed. I must sound pretty stuck up saying that to one older than me.
I must seem incredibly stupid to you...I always pronounced it 'pay-zoe'.
Can I sue them illithids now?
Lilith wrote: I don't have AS, but I do have some experience with websites. First of all, the best thing you could do for yourself is sit down and figure out precisely what kind of things you want to do. Do you want a blog-style format, with visitors able to add their own comments? Do you want a simple "brochure" style site, with simply giving information out to a visitor? Photo gallery? Sitting down and defining how you want a visitor to interact with your site will save you time and headaches later. :) I want to do a site that talks about AS, has my D&D roleplaying ideas(monsters, classes, races, etc.), has stories that I like I've started or written, and has my comic ideas(like Giantitp, that has free comics, and what zogonia USED to have).
I know a good show: Attack of the Geico Geckos!!!
Dun Dun DUN!!!!!
Wormy?....Nevermind, I'm prob'ly better of not knowing, if it should have been filtered. I'm only 11.
Cosmo wrote: Man...
That must be tough to fit on a check.
Tell me about it. And guess what? That was only HALF of it!

AS, as it is called, (first of all, it is NOT a disease, nor do I believe it is a disability, it's just who we are.) was first mentioned by a Hans Asperger. It is similar to High-functioning autism, and is indeed a form of it.(I do hope that right now you are'nt thinking, 'Rain Man!'. That is highly exagerated, also referred to as 'classic' autism.) Us people with AS are often highly intelligent, especially in our prefered interest.(mine is D&D, and to a lesser extent, the things that I might inlude should I create a website) However, we are socially, well, 'retarded', though I hate that word. For example, we might drone on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on, like I believe I am doing. We also have a high vocabulary. For example, you most likely had already deduced that I am 11, and yet I am able to converse with adults.(I prob'ly sound real concieted there) Here are some books you could read to learn more about it, if you want: 'Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome', 'Eating an Artichoke', and the 'Asperger Parent'.
I'm thinkin' of making my own website, about Asperger's Syndrome, my comic ideas, my story ideas, and my D&D ideas. Any ideas? And how many people here have AS?

Kobold Assassin,
Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Calling Himself Lord of Droning on and on and and on and and on and and on and and on and and on and and on and and on and on, Through Cutting and Pasting on the Laptop.
I really just felt like saying that. By the way, Did you see on www.giantitp.com, they're showin' free OotS comics? Actually, I dont think its anything new. go onto 'Comics'.
Also, the 'Dungeon of Dorukan' game is great!
Fine, I'll do the 4-word game. That's why you came on, after all.
Tas 'handled' Raistlin's spellbook...
Wow! a key fob? Really! I gotta get that!
Sounds great! New dragons! Core Beliefs: Hextor! A story! OotS! Nodwik! Dork Tower! Whoo Hoo! Yer right, they are doin' their best to make the last ones the best(though it could use some Winning Races!)! Wow! By the way, I just realized something! I was thinking, "wow, this cover's great! too bad there's all that writing on it!" But then I thought, "hey, what if I scanned the inside picture(the one that tells ya what it is and who drew it), enlargened it, and printed it?"
It probably won't work, but I'm gonna try it! I hope it works!!!
Whoops, I got all worked up. Heh Heh Heh. I still gotta wait for the magazine to come!!!!!!!!!
Oh well...um...where was I..?
Oh yea.
Great job, Paizo!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, um, just wondering, ya know...Black Bard, did you happen to have read 'The Riddle'? It's just that they had black bards in it. Sorry if I've lost you.
I'm really gonna miss DRAGON, especially OotS and Nodwik. And remember that Zogonia with the bird mascot? *Sob Sob Sob*
Organized Play Character