
knightofstyx's page

Goblin Squad Member. 287 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Can you select whom you want your channeling to target with the feat if you can't reliably discern their location due to some method of concealment (fog, darkness, invisible)?

What happens if you place a Headband of Vast Intelligence (+6) onto an animal with Intelligence of 1 or 2?

Does this increase the animal's intelligence to the point that it can then learn languages? What if the programmed Skill bonuses in the headband include Linguistics?

Basically, would an item do functionally the same thing as the Awaken spell? (Obviously you would gain no special control over the animal.)

Is there any RAW or errata on this?

If a character receives an inherent bonus to an ability score (be it from Wish or a Tome/Manual) can something remove that inherent bonus? For example could a Mage's Disjunction remove it?

Basically, how permanent is an inherent bonus? Admittedly, having a 9th level spell undo the effects of something that costs 137,500 GP is a little retarded.

I realize that Mage's Disjunction states that "spells and spell-like effects are unraveled and destroyed completely (ending the effect as a dispel magic spell does)". But it doesn't contain the usual text of "acts as Dispel Magic except as stated below" text.

Wish states "Inherent bonuses are instantaneous, so they cannot be dispelled. Note: An inherent bonus may not exceed +5 for a single ability score, and inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies."

So am I correct in assuming that these two statements work hand in hand to prevent anyone or anything from removing your inherent bonus?

Have I over-looked any mortal method to remove this bonus?

If a character with the Half-Dragon or Half-Celestial template draws the Knight card from the Deck of Many Things:

Knight: The fighter appears out of nowhere and serves loyally until death. He or she is of the same race (or kind) and gender as the character. This fighter can be taken as a cohort by a character with the Leadership feat.

Will the fighter also have the half-dragon or half-celestial template as well? I think the RAW is silent on this, but I don't know what the RAI are for it.

If you add the Ghost template to a Nymph, does the Nymph keep DR 10/Cold Iron?
RAW says that the ghost loses all defenses that had to do with its corporeal form. Is this DR considered to be from its corporeal form or from its fey-like nature?
Or something else?

Secondly, this has probably been tackled earlier, but if an incorporeal creature has DR, when is the DR applied, before or after the damage is halved?

IE Ghost with DR 10/-
1) Before: Fighter Joe hits ghostie for 30 damage. DR drops damage by 10. Halved nets a final damage of 10. (30-10=20 / 2= 10)

2) After: Fighter Joe hits ghostie for 30 damage. Damage is halved and the remainder is reduced by DR netting a final damage of 5. (30 / 2=15 -10=5)

I seem to recall from previous editions that the only creatures that had natural overland flight capabilities were true dragons.

I've perused the forums and scanned the PF SRD extensively and unless I'm blind there is absolutely no mention of non-magical overland flight.

So, my question is threefold:

1) Did I just overlook natural overland flight?
2) If not, is the only method of achieving overland flight the Sor/Wiz 5 spell Overland Flight?
3) If not, does the simple ability to fly mean that I apply the regular movement table to their fly speed?

Now I understand that IRL animals can fly long distances and effectively have overland flight capabilities. However, I'm asking from a RAW and RAI perspective.

I would just handwave the issue and use the rules I'm accustomed to (only dragons have overland flight) but some of my players (a half-dragon and a half-celestial) are both wondering if they really have a use for horses (other than to carry gear) if they can already fly.

So, last week we we're playing the Second Darkness AP (not sure which chapter we're in since I'm playing and not DMing.)


The Encounter:

We were traveling north of Riddleport toward an encampment controlled by the Shinracorath (sp?) elves. During the three day travel, our rest was interrupted by a group of what the DM called "Tainted Souls".

My first question: Should a CR 7 creature have a melee touch attack at +10 that deals 7d6 damage (will save for 1/2)? Regardless of the creature's other stats, that just seems unbalanced. Especially since it's a touch attack.

My second question: Should the AP designer have created the encounter to throw five of these at a party consisting of five 6th level adventurers? While they were sleeping?

This was made to seem like a chance encounter by some wandering monsters. Even the DM was flabbergasted by the strength of the "Tainted Souls."

Now, I don't want any spoiling of the story and if there some storyline reason why we were attacked by these creatures, then please forget I asked my questions. However, I would like to know if the creatures were unbalanced or if it was just my group that thought so.

(As an aside, Second Darkness was made for 3.5. We were running PFRPG characters and rules. Keep that in mind when you read the questions.)

The Party:

Cleric of Pharasma 6 (Healing specialized) Killed
Cleric of Pharasma 6 (DPR specialized) Unconscious
Barbarian 5 (+1 Cold Iron Greatsword Main) Killed
Air Elemental Sorcerer 6 (Main Offensive Spell: Ball Lightning) Escaped
Rogue 5 Assassin 1 (Feint specialized) Escaped

If you need more info, please ask.