kelth25's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hello, the promo cards I was suppose to receive with my order weren't included. Could you please ship them to me?

Hello, I added items to my purchase and they were set to ship with my may order/ subscription order for the path finder adventure card game wraith of the righteous order. The order says complete, but it is now sitting with my June order, the may order has disappeared and it isn't in my history. So my questions are: why didn't these items ship and what happened to my may order? It is not in my order history and not showing up in my subscription page. If my wraith of the righteous base set and bonus subscription things were somehow dropped and not sent to me then I will be very angry/sad. Additionally, the money for the may order has not been drawn from my account. Thank you for any help you may provide.

I there going to be another printing anytime soon?

Hi, I am new to everything paizo and am playing this game with my mommom because there is no where else to play it around me. Somehow she always does way better than me, but anyway my question is if two people is a legal game? I see a section on solo play, but I haven't read the whole packet yet because I am preparing for class and school in an hour so I am sorry if this is in there.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Just want to inquire about plans to remove the recharge box and to add ship (and I guess also Fleet) cards to the package. Thanks!

Hawkmoon269, I love this card game and found that it is an easy intro into roleplaying table top games. I also love the way you are on top of all the forms. Keep up the good work.