karrel's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


If i may put my note here. I don't know what program people use for making maps, but i would suggest the use of AutoRealm.

your players enter into town and the first place they look for is the tavern and magic item shops well if your like me and hate to spend time trying to figure out what each shop has, well i found this nice site that i thought i would share with you all. It will randomly generate items the town has for sell depending on it's size. Take a look


The GM holds all the rights to view all information and then make his call, and the player should except the GM's call and play the class or move to something that is lined out better. My personnel out look on the class it stands next to the gunslinger class. When a class makes every attack as a touch attack then the game power curve has been swung far to the PC's side and there should be nothing the party could not handle. I know the game is about All Players having fun, however that should be true for the GM as well. I guess I miss the old days of AD&D when every thing was more balanced and the players were less power mongrels. Maybe I just need to retire from GMing and pass it on to some young one who loves to hack and slash and don't care if the people of the town live or die. In the old days it was about saving the NPC's and not just killing the creatures and stealing their items and selling for as much money so the PC's can buy even more crap to haul around. I sorry I get to ranting here main thing is have fun and let the GM do his job and figure out how he wants to run this matter and be happy. Good night to you all