karl burkhardt 695's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Karl Burkhardt - Venture Agent.

Liberty's Edge

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This is just a simple thread where I can keep track of suggestions for the Second Edition. I am not trying to start a debate as what I am posting is only my opinion.
I think the 3 actions per round is a great idea as it removes the all I can do this round is double move problem.
I understand the need for resonance but feel it should be tied to the class key stat as tying it to Charisma seems too arbitrary.
I like the hunted target ability for Rangers rather than chosen enemy as it removes some of the Meta gaming "I choose Humans because that is the common enemy" but I don't understand why the only ranged weapon feat at first level is Crossbow Ace , no elf ranger is going to use a crossbow.
I have no problem with Attacks of Opportunity for fighters only but think intimidation should be added to their signature skills.
That's all for now.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Can Gm credit for Evergreen Scenarios be applied to the same character as which you have previously played the Scenario?

Liberty's Edge

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I've been role-playing for a number of years but recently stopped due to a lack of venues in my area. I just purchased Pathfinder and I'm eager to start gaming again and wonder if there are any local groups with a space or players looking for a GM.

