Durkon Thundershield

kahe's page

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Hey guys,

First time post for me, but I have been reading the boards a bit.

Now, I have a problem. My party is about to finish THBM and onto ToD. The problem is that they are all fighter types (1's a Fighter, another a Duskblade, another a halfling Barbarian and last but not least, a feral wildshaping Vow of Poverty druid). None have any real diplomatic skills and all have dumbted Charisma. None of them possess any knowledge skills that will be of any use either.

From what I can see, this means that it is essentially impossible for them to gain enough victory points to win the comming battle.

I don't want to penalise my players choices but I also don't want to just adjust every encounter or outcome to fit such an inbalance party.

Does anyone have any ideas on extra adventures\encounters that I can add to help bump up the number of victory points that they could (if they choose\are successful) collect?
