jtgibson's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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People's Cowboy wrote:
I am having the same issue. Chrome/Mac/ OSX Yosemite. Going on two days now. It says I've downloaded the files I've attempted, but I have not gotten anything.

It marks a file as downloaded as soon as it has been clicked, but don't worry too much on that -- there are no download limits or quotas, since once the file is fully generated it is watermarked as yours. (I've already railed enough on the watermarking for a charitable/advertising drive already, so I'll leave it at that, as it seems they'd rather scale up the watermarking rather than abandon it as fruitless with a generic mark for this release only. ;-))

Jabmist wrote:
OK, how about emailing me the download link of the personalized pdf?

Interesting! That one would probably work better. (I'm not with them, just helping with some questions since I'm starting to realise that however peeved *I* might be, *they're* pulling their hair out in spite of what I'm sure they originally intended as a good cause. I figure I owe some karma. ;-))

Now that I think about it some more, though, part of me balks at the concept of their updating and testing a new sendmail script in the middle of a server overage. Even if it makes more sense in the long run, it might not actually be feasible when we need it right now, and when we no longer need it downloads will be near instantaneous again.

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Warvair wrote:

I'm a little surprised, but it seems Paizo never learned the lesson: If you don't prepare for the "hug o' death", you'll pay with PR.

For all you folks waiting to get your likely very, very cheap PDFs: try to be patient. Eventually either Paizo will put up a better solution, or the HB campaign will end, the crush will ease and their current personalization solution will be sufficient again (until the next crush). Of course, that means you may need to wait for 12+ days at this point. But hey, anticipation can be nice, no?

I paid over the average for mine, which as far as average prices go is being steadily driven upward to boot -- an average approaching $17.50 for $350 of product is right along the 5% mark, which is awful when you look at it from a pure profit perspective, but astounding from a raw income flux perspective. As far as averages go, I think everyone thought it was offered for a little *too* cheap, if the price is any indication, so I wouldn't be so hasty to say "very, very cheap". ;-)

All told, I think they're handling the issues well enough. Call it equal combinations of Murphy and hubris, with people now working harder than they ever have on damage control. I'm frustrated, others are frustrated, subscribers and full-price customers are *especially* frustrated, and I'm sure the employees are most frustrated of all. Call it a mutual loss, especially since the only people who are winning are Humble Bundle -- note, in particular, that they mention absolutely nothing about issues on the Paizo end and are merrily still advertising and selling the products without even the slightest hint that delivery might be impacted.

[edit]G~~@&%n live threads. By the time my post appears as a reply to someone else's it's already five or six posts down. ;-P

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I can completely truck with the people who are inflamed, since I'm one of them. The only thing hanging us up from getting these products in a timely manner is the DRM scheme. Regardless of what end the DRM serves -- the veneer of legitimacy for "Guild" tournament play -- why not simply claim that Humble Bundle copies without a legitimate personal watermark are invalid for tournament play, since they could have been altered, and then allow people to download them direct from Humble Bundle like every other bundle in existence?

By all means give people their keys to paizo.com so they can get their personalised tournament-legal copies direct from the source, but let people have their basic unwatermarked-or-generically-watermarked copies straight away, and both problems would be solved, or at least significantly subdued.

Existing customers of Paizo wouldn't have to deal with an overloaded server and HB customers get their digitally-delivered product in the amount of time it should take a digitally-delivered product to be delivered. (I highly doubt the first thing on most HB customers' minds is "ooh, now I can hit GenCon tomorrow!" -- they just want the product to read and do experimental play with.)