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keftiu wrote:

Operating openly is pretty antithetical to the Red Mantis - even on Mediogalti Island, I don't think their temple is open to the public, and those who wish to hire them are forced to do so indirectly. Even in a Lawful Evil nation like Cheliax, they might be just as likely to assassinate nobles and state agents, and so need to keep their heads low.

"Chantry" is an awesome word that doesn't get used enough; I love it for a religious safehouse. I'd imagine such a location to be well-hidden and warded from scrying at the absolute least, and to likely be one of several caches for weapons, documents, and other assassin-y goods.

I'm most certainly late here but a group of mantises, as well as a group of churchgoers, is called a congregation.

It feels very appropriate and can be easily shifted to indicate a place as well as an assassin cell.
If you want to additional code words "congregation" could indicate the cell as a whole and their gathering place could be a "hunting lodge" (which has some pretty obvious connotations). With context they make perfect sense but without context, which most wouldn't have, it makes no sense.

I know this is years old but I'm only just finding it. I have to say... it says A LOT that of the Azlanti's 20 gods only 6 of them are good, many of the neutrals have questionable domains, and the evil ones are all absolutely horrifying (and a few are currently demons).

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I'm guessing this was based on the Tsavo Maneaters?

I'm just curious here but what was the reasoning behind making lineages (ie Callow May, Lawbringer, Hellspawn, etc) feats that have to be taken rather than a mandatory choice the way heritages are? Is that going to be the setup for future versatile heritages (ie will I have to select Geniekin as a blanket heritage then take Ifrit or Sylph as feats)?

I'm also a little curious about languages associated with planar scions, specifically (at the moment) Aasimars and Tieflings. As it stands Angelkin is the only Lineage between them that gets a planar language, which is fine, but I only just noticed that the lore feats associated with either planar scions do not mention being able to learn Celestial, Abyssal or Infernal. Is that something that a player who chooses the Celestial or Fiendish Lore feats should assume comes as a part of the package or are they still languages that they can't immediately learn?