jon menghini's page

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Atragon wrote:
jon menghini wrote:

my original plan was this, put seeking and designating lesser on my bow that way i can help my party with the designation by giving them a bonus to hit and i think damage and if i missed i got a second chance with seeking. I didnt really plan on brining up my bow or arrows up any higher than +1 cause that is really a waste of money and it really only had a +1 to hit. I know that could mean the difference to hit or not hit but 2000+ gp is alot and it just keeps getting more expensive.

You might want to consider a higher bonus on it to help overcome DR.

Do you mean higher bonus on the bow or the arrows? Cause the bow im pretty sure is just going to bring to hit up. The arrows im not to sure on what the higher bonus will do i have never experimented with it.

my original plan was this, put seeking and designating lesser on my bow that way i can help my party with the designation by giving them a bonus to hit and i think damage and if i missed i got a second chance with seeking. I didnt really plan on brining up my bow or arrows up any higher than +1 cause that is really a waste of money and it really only had a +1 to hit. I know that could mean the difference to hit or not hit but 2000+ gp is alot and it just keeps getting more expensive.

ya when i read that it was just for crits it didnt sound that great anymore. Especially since i hardly ever crit lol. I really wish that you could get keen on a bow....

i have been playing with the idea of seeking but not adaptive. I thought of doing the corriosive or shock and also sonic damage as well. Good ideas tho thanks alot guys keep them coming!

Hello all! i have a question that i would love to get some input from you people out there. I am currently a lvl 4 Oread Zen Archer with a +1 Str +3 composite longbow and i am wondering what the best enchantment would be to put on my bow. I have considered putting seeking on, but i would like some other opinions as well. Please do not say guiding because i know that Paizo has not signed off on that enchantment and i cannot get it currently on Hero Lab....believe me i have tried lol. Thanks everyone!!!!

Awesome thanks guys! The help is greatly Appreciated!

As soon as our current campain ends, we are going to start another one up and i am going to be playing a Half elf Inquisitor of Shizuru. Our DM is a HUGE stickler for following what your deity tells you to do, and i can not really find a whole lot of info on how agents of Shizuru act and how they carry out their goddess wishes. Anybody out there can you shed a little light on this?