
joethelawyer's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Anyone know the best, most up to date and easy to use and free spreadsheet or program thingie to generate pathfinder characters with? We're just using the basic core rules from the hardcover book, not all the supplements and additional books and whatnot. None of us know the system well enough to ensure that we don't miss stuff. Thanks!

Just a reminder:

The first annual Connecticut Old School/Vintage RPG Gaming Convention, FalCon, is being held Saturday October 16th, 2010 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM at the Falcon Grove in Middletown, CT. The address is 144 Prout Hill Road, Middletown, CT.

The con is focused on older RPG's, not just older versions of D&D. It promises to be a great time, and lots of slots are already listed. You can pay at the door.

Check out the site for more info:

Hope to see you all there!
Now Blogging at
Erik Mona: "Woah. Surely you're not _that_ Joe!"

Due to a lack of gaming stores and other common gathering areas, its harder to find people to game with. Especially if you play older editions of D&D (pre-2e) or their clones. Whether your looking for a new player for your regular group, or just looking to get a pickup game, it would be helpful to have a list of potential old school gamers in your area.

I know there are various locations on the net to find people, but not every potential player visits or even knows about all the sites.

I've designated myself the keeper of the Connecticut list of older edition D&D gamers.

If you're in the Connecticut area, even southern MA or Westchester County NY, and play or want to play older (pre-2e) editions of D&D, send me your information.

I am looking at least for your first name, town, and email address. Send your information to me at Ill spend the week compiling an email list, and then send out the list to everyone on it.

Give me a blurb about what older editions you play or want to play, whether you want to play, DM, or both, and the days/hours you're available.

I'm going onto every site/list I know of to post the same thing, in order to get maximum exposure. If you have any ideas on where I should post this, please let me know.

Chaotic Lawyer and S%@!-Stirrer

JRients: "Joe the Lawyer is a known s@%*-stirrer. He stirred the s%!@. He got banned. Asking what he did to stir the s+!# introduces unnecessary complication to the scenario, therefore he was banned for stirring the s%&*."

Now Blogging at
clarencedarrow70 on AIM on MSN

Erik Mona: "Woah. Surely you're not _that_ Joe!"

All it says is that the sale price of a spellbook is half the cost of purchasing and inscribing the spells therein.

By purchasing do they mean in scroll form? Or by purchase do they mean the cost to copy out of another wizard's spellbook?

Inscribing costs are understandable, but what about the cost of the book itself? That's worth something right? 15 gp blank.

So, if my wizard found a spellbook with 16 cantrips, 12 first level, and 3 second level spells in it, what is the sale price?



For example, if you have skill points in both, can you combine spellcraft and craft (weapon) to make a magic sword, and apply the combined scores against the DC of the item to be created?


Have you guys ever thought of live webcasts or recorded podcasts of actual games you play with each other? You could probably get a subscription model out of it. Can't beat getting paid to play D&D and have a good time. You might even have guest DM or player of the week kinda stuff. Also, it would be a good way to introduce the game to people who are unsure of whether they are going to buy it, and as a way to introduce certain aspects of the game or other supporting products by showing how you use them. I think most DM's and players are always looking to be better at the game, so it would be looked at as a way to learn from the best in the industry.

Plus, it would be fun to watch. It's like reality TV for geeks. If you screw up or do something cool, you'll either get your balls busted or get accolades the next day on the boards.

Also, as an idea for Paizocon, live webcasts or podcasts we can download of the event which aren't taken by some audience member's cell phone camera would be something you might make some money at as well. If you could go to Paizocon for 50 bucks from the comfort of your own home, and watch the seminars or view games or conferences or panel discussions at your leisure, it could make some money and please a lot of fans who can't afford to go there. Virtual Paizocon. Heck, via chatroom functions you might even be able to take live questions and answers if it was streamed live.

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. I didn't know where else it might fit.


The Meriden Connecticut Borders bookstore just called me and said my book I reserved was in, I told them I already managed to buy one, so they said they were going to put it out on the shelf. They only got one copy in, so call to reserve it and head on down.


Hi guys. Just wondering, I've purchased the pdf so far, but not the hardcopy. I think I read that you sent a new order in for new books as soon as you realized that you sold out. I assume that means those new books will look identical to the ones people bought at GenCon, right? Other than maybe saying second printing or something on the inside cover?

Do you plan on printing a new run of books which would include either the typos and other minor errors which have already been corrected in the pdf, and/or clarifications to some of the text based on feedback from the boards regarding common misunderstandings some of the folks have? If so, when would you think that revised edition would come out?

My concern is that I don't want to purchase the hardcopy book this fall, once your second printing comes my way, and then a few months later a revised edition which fixes errors and clarifies certain passages is released.



Hi guys. Sorry if this is the wrong place, didn't know where else to put this. Just wondering if Paizo had plans to be at other cons over the next year or so, other than the big ones above?

There's one near me in December, in Connecticut, called Anonycon. I've never been there, don't know how big it is or what it's focus is, but if you guys had a presence at tat one, or one nearby, I'd go. :)



The good thing is they are calling it Dungeons and Dragons, but everyone is using Pathfinder books and talking about the Pathfinder setting. amp;p1=Well_Video_VideoLink

Joe Dimech

What i mean is, i know the beta and alpha tests give every rule a look-over, so as to determine what to change and what to keep.

is there an overall approach as to what to change and what to leave the same? some consistent overall themes or goals paizo is aiming for other than some generic "lets make the game as good as it can be!" kind of statement? is there some sort of overarching criteria being applied?

something along the lines of "make it more of a tactical battlemat wargame" or "make wizards more powerful" or reduce combat time by half" or "make skill checks simpler" ?

basically, give me the 30 second elevator statement without the fluff.

thanks for the answers. i dont have the time frankly to read and compare the nuances of the changes and come up with an overall understanding of the goals.


just wondering. we are tinkering with the 3.0/3.5 core rules, houseruling a bit, and playing with things that affect saving throws. does anyone know what the original intent of the designers was in terms of the success rate of saving throws in an encounter of evenly matched opponents? out of 100 saves against all the various forms of attack, should someone make their save 50% of the time? 70%? 30%? how about the "good" saves and the "bad" saves---the ones each class are better at than the others. what should that % be as opposed to the others?

thx all.


i guess what i am looking for is NOT a breakdown to the specificity level of "magic missile does 1d4+1 rather than 1d4 per round." i was wondering if there was more of a higher level systemic summary of the changes. like things that affect combat, spell casting, dc's, magic resistance, feats, skills, etc., as a whole. something like "spellcaster dc's have changed in that blah blah blah...."

does something like that exist?



I don't know if thats the best way to phrase it, but in general i was wondering, will i be able to put out my own modules, supplements, etc for pathfinder products--either the world, or the system, or both? can i say pathfinder compatible on the cover? can i cite to or even quote passages of text from various pathfinder books in mine? like monster stat blocks, etc? will i also be able to do that with new pathfinder stuff that comes out later or just the core base stuff initially published? will third party publishers be able to put out pathfinder products royalty-free?



just made a short field trip to ny city tonight to compleat strategist, perhaps the greatest gaming store ever. paizo and pathfinder stuff was all over the place there, and the owner estimates he has sold maybe 300 beta books so far. good job paizo!