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No posts. Organized Play character for joe kirner.

Dark Archive

would a champion of Irori be able to have the lucky toad from WBG4?
would it be considered a familiar since it has a special ability for the pc?

Dark Archive

Not the best race to use. Avoiding cookie cutter builds. Want something a bit unusual.

so far....

Halfling inspired blade 1/ hex crafter 4

fleet of foot

indomitable faith
mag. lineage corrosive touch

wpn focus rapier
fencing grace
risky striker
iron will

arcane accuracy
flight hex

dex based ( 16/18 dex with belt

any ideas on upping dam to get thru dr?
possible slight rebuild?

Dark Archive

Can't find on other threads.
want to know if a phantom steed with air walk can charge.
Thanks for responses.

Dark Archive

I realize that thrown weapon builds are sub-optimal but looking for some flavor and a fairly good build. Not some uber dpr build.
Also looking at a pfs legal build.

Here's what I am looking at:

oversized chakram for melee
2 chakrams for eventual blink back belt.

traits: defender of society
dangreously curious

feats: In no particular order (something to get going)
wpn focus chakram
pt blank shot
precise strike
wpn spec.
pwr attk
furious focus

would wear hvy armor to avoid unwanted dmg from wielding in meleee
I realize I am at -2 to hit w/ oversize wpn and another -1 since it's a chakram as well and minus for pwr attk.

anyway wanted to get a foundation for all to play with.
was thinking 2 handed fighter or wpn master but open to any other classes as well.

ideas for my insane need to go this route?

Dark Archive

if a friend or foe is between the shooter and the target, the target gets a +4 ac bonus.

is there any rule that says the target does not get the cover bonus if the friend or foe is closer to the shooter than the target????

i say no but cannot find it anywhere.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

My thoughts.... not available till lvl 10 but combined with vanishing trick, light steps and a incredible stealth roll it does seem overpowered. Haven't seen too many tier 10-11 mods where encounters can see or detect invisible.

Your thoughts.........