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This is my first campaign in Pathfinders. We started Burnt Offerings a few weeks ago. One of the players is constantly wanting to interrogate or gain information from NPC's around town. It becomes difficult for me to know what each NPC would logically know at that point, however it does really add to the story and their knowledge as characters. Also allows a lot of the back story to be included.
But, it can actually get kind of frustrating sometimes because I want to give accurate information from what that NPC would logically know, but I don't always have that information on the tip of my tongue or foremost in my brain.
For example, he wants to talk to Father Tobyn to learn more about Lamashtu. I can't find much information on Lamashtu other than the bits that are revealed throughout the adventure. But it seems logical that Father Tobyn would likely know some about Lamashtu. How should I handle that conversation?
Any advice on how to handle these kinds of situations?